The Day I Met Her

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The day I met her...


I was running away and I met this girl. She caught my eye because she was just so beautiful that anyone would stop and stare.

I didn't know how to get her attention so I kinda just stop and started heavily breathing.

I was a confused little kid. I didn't know what I was going to do in my life. I thought no one cared. But when I stopped the girl came to see if I was ok!!I looked up at her and I lost my mind thinking she was actually talking to me. I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life. I told her what was going on and she wanted to help. She took me in. She actually let me live at her place until I get my self together. I can't believe her parents let me in to there home without knowing my freaking name! Like seriously these people were awesome!

I usually kinda just would sit up in my new room and draw. I got a passion or drawing somehow. I've gotten really good since then actually.

My 'parents' wouldn't care if I was gone. They didn't pay attention to me at all. When I would need help on homework or something like that, they would wanna watch football or soccer when I needed their help.

She kept saying this one thing that I never believed, "it'll get much much better don't worry."

I asked her how in the heavens will it get better. That was the one question she could never answer. She probably still can't answer it. Nothing really happened after that. It usually be became silent.

Sometimes we just sat there and talk about anything that came up. I lived with her and her parents for about 6 years. When I turned 18 I had a plan to get my own apartment ad I did just that. I mean was old enough to get my own apartment, why not take that opportunity.

She always had that personality that was... Mysterious. She loved creepy pastas. So did I. We always said I was "Jeff the Killer." Also she was her favorite. Jane the Killer. It kinda worked. She hated me at sometimes and then she's cuddling with me.

Those 6 years went by pretty fast. There were some bumps in the road but we always made it through as 'brother and sister' but now we wouldn't I by that. I mean. I never got adopted by them. They just kinda let me in. I guess they thought it was gonna be only for a couple days. I don't think they understood the fact that I was HOMELESS. They were a fun family till the fights came along. They would fight too. I would cry. Same old same old. But whatever. It's in the past. I can't change it. All I gotta worry about is now.

Ana would always fight me for stupid reasons. But then she would hold my hand to cross the street(I don't know why. It was cute... Trust me). She was complicated. Like... Really complicated.

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