Is He Really Dead?

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I talked to Ana about Michel an how he died in a car crash.

I told her this

I was 8 and a semi-truck lost all control of where it was going and slammed right in front of us. The car kinda folded up and what it seemed like should've killed all of us instantly but I was the only was who survived the crash... Or Michel survived somehow. I was in the back seat with him and I jumped out if the car right before it hit.

My moms face was caved in, and shrapnel through her chest

Michel... I never really checked his body.

It never went through my mind to check his body. It's weird... I was to worried about my mom that I never checked my younger brother. I guess I assumed that he was dead because he was so young. He was 4 when he 'died'

Even though he was not only my brother, he was my best friend. I left him there. On the streets. That's why he's after me. To make me feel the way he felt. He wasn't a to kill me for revenge...


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