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I sat in his passenger seat with my heart beating fast.

We were at his flat now, in the parking lot, and his family was up in his home.

"What if they don't like me Tobi, or worse they don't like the fact you're dating a guy?" My voice was troubled, and I clutched the large bag I had in hand as I anxiously waited.

"They're going to be fine with it Vik, if they're not.. well, they'll have to get over it."

He got out, and I scrambled out of my door and held the bag like my life depended on it. It was of gifts for his family, which I had kind of made him let me buy, and some treats. I just hoped they liked what I got them, because he hadn't really told me any of their preferences. I felt like I had to bring stuff, because I was just barging in on his family's Christmas.

My sneakers made no sound on the floor as we went inside, heading up to his door. He opened it and walked in, and I trailed behind him like a lost puppy.

"Tobi?" A female voice called, him responding quickly and me slowing down behind him.

The living room, oh god. Tobi went in, and I followed, trying to forget the fact I had given these adult's son a handjob on these same couches. As soon as I entered eyes were on me, and I shifted a bit closer to Tobi, heart racing.

A clearly older woman had furrowed brows as she looked at me, the man next to her glancing at Tobi for an explanation. Three other boys were seated around, one I recognized as the boy who interrupted Tobi and I in his room.

I leaned over and set the large bag down beside the charcoal sofa, smiling anxiously at the group of people.

"I... hello, I'm Vik."

[Lmao guys it's not near christmas but fight me and I'm upset I didn't write about Halloween bc my favorite holiday 😊 also question how long is your hair? Weird question but I was messing with mine today and I just yeah. Mine is a foot and a half, and I did measure it. I was curious 😂]

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