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I anxiously jumped out of my seat when the doors opened and they called my name.

"Is he okay?" I asked, rushing over to them. The doctor held a clip board, and looked at it briefly before answering.

"He's not in the best condition currently. After pumping his stomach, we found out he was given about three pills worth of rohypnol, which makes sense with how long hes been out. It's good his friend got to him when he did, other wise he could have suffered a depression in his breathing without professional help. We have him taking oxygen through a mask and we've done both a rape kit and tested for STD's."

A few others in the ER sent sympathetic looks to me, which I chose to ignore. "Can I see him? I want to make sure if he wakes up hes not alone." I pleaded, the doctor nodding and allowing me to follow him to the room, if you could call it that. It was just curtains blocking off areas for patients, and I entered. My heart panged when I saw him.

"Do you have his clothes?" I asked the doctor, because seeing the boy in a drab hospital gown made me sadder than I already was.

"They're being held for now, but he can get them whenever he wants."

Nodding, I sat in a metal chair by him and reached over, grasping his hand and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. I was careful of the IV in his hand though.

"We've removed as much of the drug as we can but some did make its way into his bloodstream, so we estimate he could wake up anytime between now or five hours. We will have his test results back in around thirty minutes, until then just sit tight and if anything changes let someone know."

"Okay, thanks."

* * *


My head shot up from where I was resting it on my hand, and I watched him. His fingers twitched in my hand, and I scooted closer to the bed. "Vik?"

Under his eyelids I could see his eyes darting as he began waking up, his lips parting under the mask. His chest began rising and falling rapidly, so I stood up, ready to get the doctors when his eyes opened.

As soon as Vik regained consciousness he shot up, clumsily reaching up to the mask that covered the lower half of his face.

"Vik, don't take that off!" I warned, reaching up and grabbing his wrists gently.

His breathing calmed down once he saw me, and he let his arms fall back into his lap. The doctors had only came back a few times in the past two hours, refusing to share his results with me until he agreed.

I smiled at him softly. "I'm going to grab the doctor, and he'll take it off okay?" He made a noise that sounded positive, but was muffled by the mask.

Standing up I exited the curtain just enough I could motion for a nurse or doctor, and once a nurse saw me she began a brisk walk over.

Sitting back down next to him I hummed, trying to comfort Vik because he looked confused and upset by the fact he was here. The nurse came in and introduced herself, setting her board on the end of the bed and unclipping the oxygen mask.

Vik's face was flushed red in exhaustion probably, and he was given water before he spoke, looking at me. "Why am I in the hospital?"

My face fell; I didn't want to tell him the messed up shit that happened. The nurse seemed to get this, and started questioning him first.

"What do you remember?"

"Uh.. I was out with Harry and I was dancing.. some guy came up to me and that's the last thing.." Vik meekly whispered, watching her write his words down. She nodded, and looked at him.

"I'm going to tell you what happened, okay? It's okay to cry too.. so, a man came up to you and yeah, but while you were at the bar he drugged your drink with a large dose of rohypnol- or roofies, if you would prefer that name. Your friend Harry found you and him in the man's car, and you were performing oral sex on him-" his face dropped, by that fact alone, but he let her continue. "We were called and we have him in custody right now. You were unconscious for a few hours, and we had to run some tests. I'll go get your results after checking your vitals."

She checked the machine, resetting his drip as he turned to me.

"I cheated on you Tobi." Vik whimpered, and I frowned.

"No you didn't Princess."

He scrunched his nose up. "He called me Princess.."

My stomach clenched. "Sorry, I'll st-"

"No. It's fine. I like when you say it." He murmured, setting depressed eyes on me. "I've already cheated on you twice Tobi.. I'm really not cut out for a relationship."

"No." I disagreed fiercely. "The first time you thought we were broken up, and the second was not your fault at all. You couldn't do anything about it." I refused to let him think such things, holding his hand again as the nurse left.

"What tests did they do?" He inquired.

"They did a rape kit, and a uh, STD test.." I hesitantly replied, seeing the distress on his face as the word STD left my mouth.

"Oh no." He moaned, hiding his face in his hands, cheeks red with embarrassment.

"It will be fine Vik. Some are curable." I tried to comfort him again, running my neck.

He looked between his fingers at me. "What if it's not though?  What if he had HIV or something?"

"Then we'll deal with it then. I don't think you have one Princess, they're just being safe." I tugged at his arms so I could see his face, turning instead to look at the doctor who entered the curtain covered room, board in hand. He cleared his throat.

"I'm glad to see you awake Mr. Barn, and I have your test results here."

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