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I'd like to dedicate this chapter to kateKaplan101, since she's contacted me via PM and given me some really nice thoughts about this book :) Thanks so much! I love it when you guys give me feedback, I'll take good or bad, so go for it!

Oh, and this takes place a few days before they go on tour, so there's that 😄


kirstin to 'Scomiche Stalkers'


KOlusola: Alright, I'm listening.

avi_kaplan: But... you're reading, not listening

KOlusola: Oh whatever, same thing but different

avi_kaplan: Never thought I'd see the day Kevin didn't use correct English.

kirstin: GUYS

kirstin: FOCUS, JEEZ

KOlusola: Sorry.

avi_kaplan: Yeah, what he said.

KOlusola: 🙄

KOlusola: Continue, Kit.

kirstin: As I was SAYING

kirstin: So, I think we need to make a plan to expose Scomiche once and for all, even if it's only to us.

kirstin: I'm pretty sure Mitch would murder us if we told anyone anything without their permission though, so we've gotta keep it to ourselves

KOlusola: Of course.

avi_kaplan: What's the plan, the one you mentioned earlier?

kirstin: Since we're about to go on tour, I thought we could set up like an audio recorder in the corner of their dressing room or something, and we could listen in and see if we find anything.

KOlusola: Isn't that a bit of an invasion of their privacy?

avi_kaplan: We are trying to find out if they have a secret or not, Kev, I'm pretty sure that's an invasion of privacy as it is.

KOlusola: ...

KOlusola: Fair point.

kirstin: I was thinking we could get Esther and Nicole in on it as well? Maybe even some other people?

avi_kaplan: I'm pretty sure Esther would be more than willing to try and discover this secret with us 😏

kirstin: Great! Avi, you get Esther in on it and Kevin and I will try to sort out this mic/audio recorder thingy.

KOlusola: Sounds like a plan.


Thanks so much for reading everyone!

You may have noticed that I changed Kirstie's username from 'kirstintaylor12' to 'kirstin', this is because she changed her social media names to 'kirstin' after she released her EP L O V E (which I love, by the way).

I'm thinking of introducing a segment in these A/N's so I can connect with you guys some more, would you be interested? Example, I could have 'Everyone here's a good song don't listen to anything else today', AKA EHAGSDLTAET (try pronouncing that, go on, I dare you!), or a 'Question of the chapter' AKA QOTC.

You see that little star in the corner, top right for computers, bottom left for mobile, yeah? Give it a tap/click. It shows me that you like what you're reading and want more, and it even helps more people discover this book!

Byez, sg-h

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