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idk if u americans or english people or where ever you come from the saying 'not a happy camper' basically means 'i'm not happy and not having a great time rn leave a message after the beep, oh wait, there isn't one'

i know you all probably skipped over this or really don't care because you want another chapter,

that's fine,

but there are a few things i need to say,

on the topic of:


what about him? you ask,

well let's just say, i'm not very happy.

not like he gives a fuck about us fans anyway.

he up and left,

i respected that,

made new music,


but leaving the sidemen?

yeah ok,


but the way you executed that reasoning as to why was cowardly.

you didn't explain shit,

i clicked on the video and was actually sympathizing for you,

that lasted an all of 7 seconds.

you said you where living with that shithead ricegum and your best friend callux hates his guts and you pull that shit?


how fucking stupid could you be??

and ethan on another matter,

you look in the comments of jj's vid it says 'lol all the haters thinking this is real' and 'watching all the twelve year olds thinking this is legit when he just trolling'

but i honestly don't think this is fake,

jj didn't need to take things that far in his video with ethan,

yeah for the first 2 'fuck ethan's it was funny,

i admit that.

but after?

too far bro, too far.

and talking about ethans private life (eg. emily) when you can't hold a stable relationship for more then a week??

all know ur brother takes after ur cuntness,

bitch got with a cunt that was kidnapped by isis and doesn't have a single brain cell. #"Friends"WithoutBraincells

everything just went to shit,

talking about 'not causing drama' doing 'shit my own way'

look what you've done,

made a video for the fans,

and guess what?

everything's. gone. to. shit.

oh boo hoo,

cry to your mummy because simon minter roasts ur ass on twitter for the world to see,

start shit and can't follow up?

huh deji?


i'm talking about you,

you say simon basically sucked his dick for fame?

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