There's always a first for everything

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"Cheers!" Harry exclaimed, as they clanked their glasses together and sipped their wine.

"So...have you picked out your tux?" Clare asked, slicing her steak.

The restaurant was very fancy, how Clare liked it, with a chandelier over their table, and everything over $100. Their wine, shipped in from Amsterdam, was $600.

"I'm going with the boys tomorrow..." Harry said, mouth full of food.

"Boys? Are you talking about the bandmates? I thought you said that was unfair to pick a best man, so you wouldn't pick any of them..."

"I did. My groomsmen are Josh, and my two cousins..." Harry said.

"Oh..." Clare said, taking another sip. "Where should we go on our honeymoon? I need to schedule it by Thursday..."

"I don't know...the Galapagos Islands maybe?" Harry suggested.

"Great!" Clare agreed. "And we need to order the tent for the reception, and start sending out invitations.." Clare went on. "Oh, and our brides people need to get fitted, and-"

"Clarity!" Harry interrupted. "Slow down!"

"I'm just so nervous!" Clare sighed. She didn't know how weddings worked, and her flustered self was getting ahead of her.

Harry grabbed her hand from across the table. "It's ok..." he whispered. "Just take some time to calm down..."

"How are you being so calm about all this! We're getting married!" Clare yelled, disturbing the other people at the restaurant.

"Yes, we are! And I don't care what the wedding turns out to be, as long as I'm with you..." Harry smiled, his hand warm against Clare's.


Clare sat at the breakfast table with her glasses on, and pen in hand, writing down the guest list. It was almost midnight, but Jennifer requested they get it done fast. That lady was too into her job!

Harry sat on the other side of the room, watching TV.

"Do you think we should invite the old lady next door?" Clare called.

"Sure...she's a nice lady..."

Clare wrote it down, then recited everyone on the list to Harry. "Good?"

"I think you're missing one person..." Harry said, getting up.

Clare moaned. "For the last time Harry, I'm not inviting my dad!"

"I think you should at least tell him you're getting married!" Harry said, walking over to Clare.

"He showed me a long time ago he wanted no part of my life!" Clare yelled, holding her head in her hands.

"That was also when you were mean and slept with a different guy every week!"

Clare gasped. "I never slept with them!"

"You probably would've pulled your clothes off for me if I had asked you!"

Clare screamed out in frustration. "I'm not that person anymore! Drop it!"

Harry sighed, and wrapped his arms around Clare. "Exactly..." he said in a small voice. "You are not that person anymore...which means its time to contact your dad..."

Clare nodded her head slowly. "You're right..." she said, her voice hoarse.

"Now c'mon..." Harry said, pulling Clare up from her chair. "Show me a tour of that wonderful bedroom of ours..."

Clare smiled. "I don't know..." she said. She asked herself if she was ready, but when Harry pulled her t-shirt sleeve below her shoulder, and gently kissed her neck, she felt that thing in her stomach again, and gave in.

That wasn't the first fight her and Harry had, and it was definitely not the last, but they always made up real quick.

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