What next?

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        "You deserve this! You deserve this!"

         The oxygen was leaving my lungs..its over...its over...

        "You deserve this! You deserve this! You des-"

"Clare!" Harry screamed, his hands on her shoulders, shaking her awake.

Clare opened her eyes and gasped. She quickly sat upright, her eyes wild.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, rubbing her back.

Clare tried to clear her head. She had a migraine and started to rub her temples....

"Yea...jus- just a bad dream..."

It wasn't like it was the first time...ever since Clare came home from the hospital a few days ago, she had these nightmares.

"He's in jail..." Harry sighed, reading Clare's mind.

"I know..." and Clare did know. But it would take time before the thought of his hands around her throat would go away...

"Do you need anything?" Harry questioned.

"No...thanks though..." Clare kissed Harry's cheek, and climbed out of the bed. It was mid-afternoon, but Clare was technically on bedrest to let her wounds heal.

She closed the door to the bathroom and started to strip. She felt she needed a shower since she hadnt taken one in 3 days and she was drenched in sweat. She had reasons though, seeing how she was exhausted and weak.

She avoided the mirror as she climbed in the shower. The warm water felt good on her tainted skin. After about an hour of standing in the shower, Clare climbed out and dried herself off. 

With the towel around her, Clare gathered the courage to look in the mirror. The bruising in her legs had gone down tremendously. The gash on her cheek was now a faint scar, and her thoat looked almost normal. Thankfully, there was no harm done to her larynx. Then, she grabbed some migraine medicine. Clare walked into the bedroom, and pulled some sweats out of the drawer. She quickly got dressed and pulled on Harry's sweatshirt, attempted to brush the rat's nest she called her hair, and walked into the living room.

Harry sat on the couch, seemingly immersed in something on tv.

Clare grabbed an apple from the table, the first thing she had eaten in 3 days. "I'm getting the last apple. Is that okay?" Clare tunred to Harry. He didn't respond.

Clare waved her hand in his face. "Hello? Earth to Harry!"

Harry was hypnotized at the tv screen. Clare looked in his direction, and watched what was bothering him so much.

"Yes....we are sorry to say the band One Direction officially broke up yesterday...the reason behind this is their fellow band member Liam Payne attempted to strangle Harry Style's fiancee, Clare Sumners...he is currently in jail..yesterday, we also caught Zayn and Louis, other members of the band, smoking weed somewhere in Peru...seems the band has truly fallen apart..."

Clare watched the blond woman on the screen speak, and felt Harry's pain as thousands of fans popped up on the screen, holding posters reading various things like, "We need the five idiots that stole our hearts..." and, "What happened to 'Don't forget where you belong?'"

The blond girl came back on screen. "The trend on Twitter currently is #BringBackOneDirection. Millions of fans are heartbroken and we fear for the safety of the teenage girls who have suicide thoughts....this is Tara Kalem for FOX News."

Clare tunred the tv off. For a minute, they both sat in silence. Clare understood Harry's pain. He loved One Direction and his fans, and performing for them and meeting them. He was completely devoted and formed a family with them, and now....it truly feels like the end of the world. What next?

"Harry..." Clare finally spoke.

Harry got up and walked out of the room. He just needed some time alone to get over the fact that his life has completely changed.

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