So many obstacles!

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"Hello?" Clare answered the phone.

"Hey, how you feeling?" It was Gemma.

"Great! I look semi-normal again..."

" have you scheduled the wedding again?" she asked anxiously.

"No...but other than that, everything is taken care of...have you gotten your dress?" Clare asked nervously.

"Yes, and it matches my hair!" Gemma chirped. "And to think I was fixing to change it!"

Clare laughed. "Well I'll talk to Harry about the date. I am so tired of obstacles!"

"Well your biggest obstacle is in jail so...."

Clare sighed. Every mention of him made her shudder. She didn't hate him anymore. She feared him. If she ever saw him again, it would be too soon...

"About that...did you see the news?" Clare nibbled on her thumbnail.


"Harry's pretty shook up...he's been in our room for most of the day...I don't want to disturb him..."

"I would feel the same way if my entire life was taken away from me! Stupid Liam..." Gemma stifled a giggle, and Clare tried to, but she didn't have the energy...

They said their goodbyes, and Clare headed over to the bedroom door.

She knocked lightly. "Harry?"

Too quickly, Harry opened the door, his eyes puffy, and buried himself into Clare's arms. Quiet sobs filled her t-shirt.

"'s going to be ok. You can go solo like you've been talking will still see the boys! Nothing has changed...just a little bump in the rollercoaster..." Clare smiled at Zayn's phrase.

Harry didn't say anything, but pulled away. "I heard your conversation...and I want to get married as soon as possible!" he muttered.

"Me too!" Clare agreed.

"Let's schedule it for this Sunday!"

Sunday was 4 days away! Clare was ready! She couldn't any longer!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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