Court day

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It had been 4 days since the incident, and Clare remained in the hospital. The only person who had visited her was Harry. The others probably couldn't handle it. Clare wouldn't have been able to either.

Harry had brought her everything imaginable. Chocolate, stuffed animals, balloons, movies, jewelry, and anything else that would help Clare feel better. He stayed with her 20 out of the 24 hours a day. The other four he had to do One Direction stuff, which would be the last of the One Direction stuff they had to do. Harry tried to push that thought out of his mind, and focus on Clare. After all, that's all that mattered to him. Clare.

Clare sat in her hospital bed watching Love Actually, a movie Harry had brought. Harry came into the room holding a pink plush blanket. "Hey baby...I brought you something to make you more cozy..." Harry said sweetly.

Clare smiled at him, and scooted over a little. Her wounds were getting better, but still very visible, and Clare wasn't allowed to move her legs or even speak. She even had to pee in a jar.

Harry climbed into the small bed, and spread the blanket over them. He wrapped his arm around Clare, and gently kissed her forehead. "How have you been today?"

Clare shrugged, and pointed to the 3 empty boxes of chocolates.

Harry chuckled, and kissed Clare again. He had been giving her little kisses a lot lately. He looked over at the TV and smiled. "This is my favorite part!"

For a hour they sat there, just watching it. When the movie was over, Harry settled into a little chair and fell asleep. Before Clare couldn't talk, she argued with Harry, telling him to go home and sleep, but Harry refused. He said he had to protect Clare, and that meant stay with her.

The next day was the day Clare was dreading. Court day. She had to face Liam, and send him to jail. By everyone's surprise, Liam was healing faster than Clare, and his wounds were 10 times worse.

The nurse came in early that morning with a long dress to cover her legs. She made Harry leave the room, and practically changed Clare, which Clare was not happy about. Then she put Clare's greasy hair into a bun, and dabbed a smidge of foundation on to make Clare just a little more presentable. She gave Clare permission to move her legs and walk to the bathroom to see herself. Clare felt foreign with herself, feeling like she was exploring different parts of her body again since it had been a while since she used them. Clare looked in the mirror quickly and walked out. If she had been her old self, she would have shrieked at how she looked, but being her new selfless self, she really didn't care.

 They were ready.


Harry held her head as they walked into the courtroom. He couldn't sit with her, so opted right behind her. "You'll be alright..." he whispered, and kissed her.

Clare was so nervous. She didn't want to tell that story again. And she didn't want to see Liam. So many things could go what if Liam wins, and Clare has to go to jail because of what she did. Liam was obviously way more popular than she, and the jury would for sure pick him. Clare hoped for better, but feared for the worst.

She shook hands with her lawyer she was just now meeting. Harry had been taking care of everything the past few days.

The judge hit the gavel against the wood, and everyone went silent. Clare sat down, and felt her heart beating faster and faster.

"Court in session!" the judge spoke loudly for everyone to hear. She was an old woman, with graying hair, and tired eyes. "I now bring the defendant!"

Clare prepared herself. Liam wheeled into the room. He was in a wheelchair, but had an orange jumpsuit on. His face was badly beaten, ,and had 2 black eyes.

When he saw her, he smirked, as if to say, "Have fun in prison..."

Clare turned her head, and promised herself she wouldn't look at him.

"The victim will now explain what happened..."

Clare stood up and walked to the podium beside the judge. She took a deep breath, and told the  incident again. Her voice was hoarse and shaky. (I'm not going to type it again, because you've already heard it twice)

Clare stopped and looked at the judge. She nodded, and told her to go back.

Next was Liam's turn to explain. He was wheeled up to the podium, and cleared his throat.

"Clare had been harassing me for a long time now..."

Clare gasped.

Her lawyer stood up. "I object!"

"Silence!" the judge yelled. A hush fell over the room. She nodded to Liam to continue.

"I was tired of it, and needed it to stop. I had asked her many times to leave me alone, but she continued to manipulate me...she even threatened that if I go to the police, she would get my best mate, Harry! So....I took matters into my own hands!"

This time Clare stood up. She was appalled at what Liam was saying, and couldn't believe it. "He's lying!"

"But he took an oath to tell the truth..." the judge simply said. "Either he's lying or you are."

"I admit my old job, that I no longer do, required me to hurt Liam in a mental way but I stopped! He never let it go!" Clare screamed.

"Ma'am, please calm down!"

"No! He's a liar!" Clare pointed a shaky finger at Liam. She was having a meltdown, and she couldn't calm down. Her heart was beating out of her chest. How dare he do that to her? When was he going to stop?

He wanted her ruined, and he even broke an oath just to make sure that happened.

"Listen Clare! They're bringing in another witness!" her lawyer said, trying to calm her down.

Just then, Gordon walked into the room. He was in a suit and tie, a big contrast from his tight t-shirt and jeans.

Even though he saved her, Clare still felt uneasy around him.

Clare sat back down, only to be pulled back up. The lawyer's hand was wrapped around her arm. "We will have to leave while they ask him questions. Then the jury will decide who is guilty."

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