Liam's a buzz kill

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One week had passed, and they were finally down to the week of the wedding. This week would be the most rushed week of their life, getting last arrangements together. Everywhere they turned, something was going wrong. Clare's wedding dress still hadn't come in; and the forecast for the day of the wedding was supposed to rain, which is bad for them because their wedding is outside.

It was 2 days before the recital dinner. Harry's family was starting to come in for England, and Clare's dad was supposed to show up too. The boys had just left the airport, and Clare and Harry were waiting in their small living room for their arrival.

20 minutes later, there was a knock at the door. 4 boys came flooding into the room, laughing and making commotion. The usual. Harry greeted them with bro hugs, and Clare stood behind him awkwardly. She wasn't very close with Harry's friends and felt antisocial around them. Especially Liam, who gave her a dirty look every second, and Clare knew what Liam said to Harry when he pulled him aside. I don't think you should marry her. You're making a big mistake. She's a monster! Clare didn't care. No one listened to Liam anyway.

When the boys all settled down, Clare was surprised when Liam stood beside her. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"

Clare hesitantly followed him out into the hall. "What do you want?" she groaned.

"I want you to save Harry the heartbreak and just dump him already! I didn't think you would actually go as far as marriage!" Liam said, angrily.

Clare rolled her eyes. She despised Liam as much as he despised her. When she was with him, all she wanted to do was say hateful things. He was the worst client she had ever had. So clingy! But she was trying to forget the past, and be a changed person, so she held back her rude remarks. "Liam, can we just put the past behind us?" she asked calmly.

Liam smiled. "Ha! You think I'm going to forget what you did to me? The least I could do is save Harry from marrying an evil troll like you!"

That's it. "Listen here, douchebag!" Clare growled. "I love Harry, and there's nothing you can do to change that! You don't know me! I've changed! So I suggest you keep your smart mouth shut or I'll kick you out of my wedding!" That felt good.

Liam looked taken aback, obviously not expecting that. "Harry wouldn't let you-"

"You don't know what Harry would do..." Clare interrupted, and she turned and walked back into the living room with a matter-of-fact look on her face.

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