14. Hazelnut Torte Hotel

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"Hold your horses there, mate." Charles gently pushed me back before I could go further. "Remember what I said about rest? You need it, pronto."

I ignored his prattle. It didn't matter if I didn't sleep for an eternity, I just had to see for myself. I struggled in his hold, staring at the new world with desperate eyes. "But Jack... I need to―"

"He's right. You've had a long day," Wastia grumbled, "and so have I."

Styke placed a hand on his shoulder and rolled his neck around. "We should head back to base. The others are prolly worried."

Others? There were more of them in the next sector? I dragged my hand up my other arm as my blurred vision settled on Charles' tan, jaded arm. I only hummed to clarify I was listening. Though I was, my mind wandered to Jack and the cluster of emotions I held for him.

After sinking his arm back to his side, Charles trudged forward. His sagged pants jingled when he reached for the door. I gulped. Was I really doing this? What if it was a trap? Could I trust these people?

I glanced back. If I ran now, I'd risk bumping into a savage, but at least it'd be on my own terms. Behind me was the sleeping city Jack and I had resided in. Leaving now felt like I'd lose the last memory of my dear brother. However, if the real deal wasn't here then he was definitely in another sector.

"What're ya standin' around for?" Styke started. "Get moving."

Tightening my fists, I headed for the door behind the others. This was it. I didn't have the luxury of turning back now; Jack was waiting for me.

"Alright, I'm ready," I replied as I adjusted my candy-coated clothes. With one last sniffle, I followed the three of them in after Charles hauled the door open.

He gave a low bow. His jaw shook when he offered a smile. "Ladies first."

I returned his action with a curt nod as I brushed past him. Once my feet met with bloodied concrete, I took in what rested before me, wide eyed. "Sector 899. That's... Philadelphia, right?"

"What's left of it. Ever visited before? It used to be so congested before the uh, 'apocalypse' started." Charles treaded this topic carefully. With each word his voice lowered until I struggled to hear him mutter the end.

Shaking my head, I sighed. "No, I can't say I have. But... my brother wanted to come here." I persed my lips. Jack was so disappointed when he learned of the city's fallen state. Yet he put on a brave front for my sake.

Another sigh left my parted lips. The white mist slipped from my grasp just as quickly as Jack had. Both refused to stay by side. I slapped my cheeks to push the negative thoughts in the back of my mind. Everything'd be okay. Once I found Jack, we'd... well, I wasn't sure yet. That could wait.

We walked past rows of battered homes, some with lights flickering in their rooms. "Hey," I said aloud to no one in particular, "who lives here?"

Wastia shifted her gaze to me. After a huff, she answered, "Who else? The dead."

My eyes widened. I gawked from her to the houses neatly tucked together, nearly dropping my own jaw. "I... I thought you guys just walked around aimlessly until you found food. Like the movies, y'know?"

"'You're not supposed to say that," I heard Styke mumble before pinching between his thin brows.

Wastia's head whipped in my direction before I could take back whatever insulting thing I'd said. "Listen here, you little shit," she spat, marching towards me, "Dealing with your fresh ass is hard enough. I refuse to―mmf!"

Charles sealed her mouth shut with one hand. The other held back by the neck. "Easy there, Wasty," he coaxed with a smile. "She doesn't know anything, remember?"

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