16. Rock Candy Recon

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I crept down hall, headed for the elevator. Each step reminded me of how worn out my shoes were. I looked at them to find the heels close to falling off. The soles barely offered comfort, especially when they were full of dirt, blood and sweat. My heels were more like flipflops by the time I finally got to rest.

My lips curled into a scowl as I peeked at the back of my feet. Once I reached the elevator, I sighed. "Damn, I really liked this pair."

After stepping in and hitting the Lobby's button, I pressed my hands on the walls. Glass let me see the hotel in all of its glory. Gruesomely injured undead shuffled in and out their rooms on each floor. I spotted the elderly woman from last night chatting with a girl whose side of her mouth peeled off. Both were smiling as if their lives weren't stolen by the very demons they lived next to.

My hands trembled. I didn't understand; why couldn't they find a substitute for humans? I was fine with sweets, so why couldn't others be? There had to be an explanation. Was it because I was special? Did my sugar addiction transcend death? I frowned at the thought as the doors slid open.

"Ridiculous," I said, walking to the food court for a quick breakfast. When I pushed the double doors open, rotten meat mixed with french toast, omelettes and other breakfast dishes met my nose. Dead people were sitting around, stuffing cooked meat in their mouths. The peculiar smell was enough reason to cringe back. Whether it was from the food or the residents, I didn't care to find out.

"I'll just skip breakfast," I muttered despite my stomach's protesting. I patted it with furrowed brows. First my shoes, now this damn hotel's service. Still, it was better than anywhere Jack and I lived. He taught me to be grateful for what I had. However, things were different now. Eyeing the melted chocolate bar in my pocket, I sighed before heading for the lobby. There had to be something safe to eat there.

With that, I walked back to the elevators, turning a few corners to reach the familiar lobby. I scanned the closest table set in hopes of finding complimentary fruits. A mahogany table with a basket of fruits caught my eye. I rushed to it, longing for the acidic yet sweet taste of the apple on top. Grabbing it after sitting down, I threw the apple from hand to hand until I realized how light it was.

"Damn, it's fake." My leg wouldn't stop twitching in frustration. This was getting annoying.

Someone patted my shoulder. I looked up to find Charles smiling at me. "Look who rose from the dead," he joked while his jaw shook.

I did my best not to shrivel back from his bony fingers. "G'morning," I slurred instead. After rubbing my eyes, I continued, "Where are Wastia and Styke?"

He shook his head. "You don't want to know."

My gaze lingered on his hand, then returned to his crooked jaw. "Okay, I guess. But what about you?"

"I―" he paused to plop down in a chair across from me, "―have to babysit."


"Yeah." The blond crossed his arms, glaring at me. "Don't want you getting any funny ideas."

At his accusation, I leaned my head on my knuckle. "Why, I never. Don't worry; I have no intention of betraying you all."

"It's not 'you all' anymore," he reminded,  "You're a part of us now."

I bit my lip and spent a few moments staring at the soiled blue carpet. I knew I was teetering between acknowledgement and denial, but I didn't want to choose sides yet. Instead, I turned the conversation to a different topic. Crossing my legs, I inquired, "In any case, what's the plan for today?"

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