18. Lemon Drop Leak

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I tapped my knuckles on Wastia's door. My feet fidgetted every once in awhile, but I had to get this off my chest. I've screwed up too many times, and it's only been two days. I had to fix this before it got worse.

Another knock, but still no response. Tingles rose up my arms as anxious thoughts seeped in my head. To calm myself, I paced in endless circles. What if she was ignoring me? Were there rules I had to follow as an undead? Did I break them?

I sighed, placing my palm on the knob. Apologies felt strange coming from me, but I had to swallow my pride. "Listen, I'm sorry for everything that happened when we first met. Can we start over?"

Silence. Maybe she was in Styke's room. Charles did mention them shacking up together a few times. Wait, then I shouldn't disturb them, right? Ah, hell―now's not the time for that!

Instead of bothering the possible couple, I headed for Charles' room. He had to be here; wasn't he supposed to guard me or something?

After a quick series of knocks, I called, "Aye Charles, you in there?"

I laid my ear on the door, just in case he was shuffling around. Nothing here, either. Damn, guess I had no choice. Moving my gaze to the only dreaded choice I had left, I tiptoed towards the room I saw Styke go in last night.

What if they were going at it, right this minute? Oh man, Wastia would kill me, then Styke would stick my innards up as halloween ornaments. Shivers went down my spine. Regardless, I had to know if they were angry. Those two can bang some other time; this is more important.

Eyes closed, I mustered up my courage, took a deep breath, and banged on his door. Even after knocking one more time, all was silent. Despite my worry, I couldn't help breathing out in relief. There weren't in, which meant my ass was safe.

But then, where were they? I groaned, treading down the halls in hopes of spotting Wastia's pixie cut or the boys' odd bodies. More closed doors and slightly dimmed lights only caught my eye. It was no use; they weren't here. I had to look somewhere else.

After circling the floor once more, I headed for the elevator and jabbed the down button. Doors to my left slid open. I rushed in only to bump into someone trying to get out. Dammit!

"I'm sorry," I grumbled, tapping my foot with rising impatience. I then faced her. Ah, she was the lady dressed in lavender from before. Today she wore a floral dress and a red hat to match. Hopefully she wasn't too angry.

She shook her head and chuckled. "Oh, no problem; I'm fine. Is everything alright?"

"Yes but... have you seen the group I was with the other day?" I guessed she was a resident. Surely she knew something. I scratched the back of my head, sighing. "I just woke up, and I can't find them."

She froze. Her hand wrapped around her chin, a finger caressing it while she hummed. "Ah, if I remember correctly, I saw them early this morning. They mentioned those nasty savages, so I believe they went out to―ahem―eat."

Her shifting gaze sent my mind on alert. To eat, huh... so that was it. Were they keeping those sweet treats to themselves?! Before the elevator could leave the floor, I hit the down button again. They were so dead if I didn't get a piece.

"Thank you Ms... oh, my apologies. I'm Lulu O'brian. You are?" I asked just as the doors slid open.

The woman glanced behind me, then shook her head. "My name is Gabriel Parker. You can just call me Ms. Gabby, if you want."

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