Chapter 3

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After her shift at Piazza Joe's, as usual, she smelled of pizza. A lot of people would ask her if she was sick of pizza and pasta at that point, as it is all she would make and smell all day. However, it was quite the opposite; she would usually end the shift absolutely craving it. She had an unquenchable desire for pasta at all times, and all types of it. It was her favorite type of food she could think of, and was a large portion of why she loved working there so much. After changing out of her work clothes and apron, she walked out of the kitchen and into the dining area. She was on her way out the door when someone familiar caught her eye; it was Ember. Sitting alone at the bar, eating a hefty dish of Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo, which she made herself, with a pint of Alpine beer.

*My type of meal*, she thought to herself. She started towards him to interrogate him on whether or not he knew she worked here. She was partially curious and partially spooked, but she needed to confront him about it either way.

"Is this like phone tag, but with work places? Or are you stalking me now?" He looked over at her as she sat beside him at the bar, setting her bag down on the floor. She was briefly taken back at how different he looked outside of the Canada Post uniform. That thing did him no justice, to say the least. He was dressed in beige khaki's, a black leather belt through the loopholes, and a black pullover sweater. His eyes seem to gleam with fire, as opposed to the brown she originally saw.

"Woah, you're telling me you made this?" He gestured toward his pasta.

"Hey now, no flattery until you answer the question sir."

"Sir? Damn, now I'm really being interrogated!" She cracked a smile at that one.

"No but seriously, did you know I worked here?" She straightened her face into a serious poise. 

"No, I give you my word. I mean, it's a small town and your pasta is phenomenal." He said as he crammed his mouth with another fork load. 

"Well thanks," She chuckled and smiled again. This is the most she'd smiled in a while, that was for sure. "Hey, did your letter from the college seem... personal to you?"

"Yeah it did, it was like they were speaking directly to me. It was a nice change of pace, considering most of the other colleges denied me with some crappy apology."

"It's definitely unique. They offered me a tour of the school to help me make my decision" She sat down beside Ember and ordered a beer.

"What, really? Well let me know what you think, I suppose they didn't ask me cuz it's my only choice. Seems like they want you." 

"Definitely does, we'll see." The bartender slid a pint of beer across the wooden bar, Ardiel caught it. "So I don't think I asked, what are you planning on taking?"

"Behavioral Science."

"Ah, a people watcher are we?" 

He chuckled, "Kinda, I like people. Getting to know them, seeing what makes them tick, why it makes them tick."

"So you're probably good at examining people then?"

"Yeah, I'm not bad"

"Give me a shot."


"Analyze me."

"Well, people don't normally ask for me to say it out loud, and I think that's good. I don't want to push buttons."

"Pfft, you couldn't if you tried."

He took that as a challenge. Looking deep into her eyes, he said "I'm surprised you asked me, because from what I can tell you keep the focus on other people. Every exchange of words we've had has been you asking me things. The only tidbit of information you've given me is that your mom wants you to go to Elementa." She thought about it, it was kinda true. Not impressive, but true. "You're beautiful, but you work in the kitchen. My guess is you were offered the bartending job but turned it down. You like to stay out of the spotlight. Perhaps too much attention at school, can't tell if it's the good or bad kind."

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