Chapter 11

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The bed Ardiel slept on was just about as comfortable as the one she had at home, so she had no idea why she slept so well. 

"Perhaps it was the lack of noise, the complete lack of all electronics." She thought to herself. 

After a quick shower, she gathered her textbook, notebook and a couple of pencils and started down the wooden stairs. She was smiling on her way to the classroom; as soon as she walked into the Aisle she felt that pulse of energy come alive again. All the students buzzing around, trying to find their way to their designated classes, actually made Ardiel quite content. For once she was at school and was excited about it.

Arriving at Entry to Interpersonal Skills class, she took a seat at the edge of the class, closest to the wall and just a couple of rows behind the front of the class. The teacher hadn't arrived yet, as she was a few minutes early, so Ardiel took a moment to make sure all of her books were in proper order. 

She was preoccupied long enough that she hadn't noticed the teacher walk in right away. She looked up and saw the back of him, writing something on the chalkboard. He looked vaguely familiar in his dark grey blazer with casual jeans. She started to read what he had written on the board as his body moved out of the way. "Mr. Wisenton."

Ardiel gasped. She didn't want to make a scene but she could hardly contain her excitement. She hadn't seen Mr. Wisenton in many years; she was both profoundly confused and elated. 

"My name is Mr. Wisenton, but you can all feel free to call me.."

*Adam*, Ardiel thought to herself.

"Adam." He spoke confidently, walked over to his desk and sat on the edge of it. 

"I'm sure some of you know me from previous years, some of you might know me from the past," He looked right Ardiel, smiling, when he said. "And some of you have no clue who I am. In any way, I want you all to know that what matters most is my class is that we learn."

He carried on about what he wants for his class, the same way he did back in junior year of highschool. He always cared deeply about his students, and it showed. 

Ardiel felt her head swimming with curiosity again. Did he know what she was the whole time? Was he an elemental the whole time? What are the odds of this happening? Perhaps this is why he stood out in her mind after all these years.

Adam carried on to outline the curriculum for the trimester. He talked with the class about how they'd be learning about the way people work, and the best ways to build rapport and relationships among many other things. They spent the whole class getting to know each student, an introductory class, the same way he did in highschool.

At the end of the class Ardiel came up to Adam, she had so many questions for him. 

"Hi, Mr. Wisenton." She said, trying to hold back her excitement.

"Hi Ardiel! How have you been?"

"I've been great thanks. Straight to it, shall we? You know I have questions and you know I won't wait."

"Yes yes, Ardiel, fire away."

"Have you known what I am this whole time?"

"Yes, Angela and I were good friends when we went here."

"How did you get a job here? When did you?" 

"I applied the year after I taught you. I was reminded of this place and how amazing it was, how long it'd been since I was here myself. Seeing you in highschool already sort of hit me hard, already that grown. I remember you as a baby."

"You knew me as a child? And I was never informed?"

"Well, we could've told you we went to school together I suppose. But knowing you, you'd likely ask what school, and not stop asking until you got to the bottom of it."

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