Chapter 8

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Climbing the flight of stairs, Ardiel found herself out of breath before she reached the top, which wasn't an easy thing to do. Once they reached the top, they entered a hall and Ardiel immediately gasped.

"Oh my god! Is this glass?!"

"It sure is, all of the Clouds are like this. The only part that isn't glass is the floor. Oh, and the meditation room, where even the floor is glass. I had a feeling you'd like it up here."

Walking down the hall, Ardiel could barely contain herself. She had a fear of heights, yes, but it was only minimal and nothing in comparison to how stunning this view was. You could see everything, all the school grounds, each tower of the school, the mountain walls surrounding the school. She looked down at the ground and saw the forest where the Enigma must've been underneath.

She surveyed her surroundings, utterly astonished. Something caught her eye, in the walls surrounding the school grounds, she found an opening. It was on the other side of the small forest with a clearing surrounding it. It looked hollow and daunting. At least two meters off the ground, probably a meter tall and wide enough for one person to slip through. She made a note to check it out when she got the chance.

They continued walking through the halls, poking into the classrooms as they went through. These classrooms were relatively bland, other than the fact that you could see everything outside of the school and you were on the third story of the school. They came across the meditation room for the Clouds and Ardiel gasped.

"Woah!! The room is just open like this? What if it snows?"

The entire room was just floor, no walls, no ceiling, but just floor.

"Students need to practice with air somehow. If it snows or weather doesn't permit, we usually take it to a classroom but it's less effective."

It felt like minutes, but before she knew it, hours passed in the Clouds. Her and Illya sat in the meditation room, if you can call it that, and talked. They talked about Ardiel's home life, and Ardiel made sure to ask if Brise could come, as she said she would. She was told animals are welcome as long as they behave. There was lots of open space and places for Brise to go, so she should be well behaved. The only time Brise ever misbehaved was when she was bored.

"Well, it's 4pm, we should get you ready to head off!"

"It feels like I just got here though! This has been an amazing experience, thank you for giving me the tour."

"You're very welcome Ardiel, I hope to see you in September."

That meant Ardiel would have to go another three months before coming back, she didn't like the idea.

"Wait, I mean to ask you... Why did you ask me to come here personally? I met another student and that wasn't the case with him."

"Let's just say that your mom and I go way back, and she was adamant about you coming here."

"Way back as in? You can't possibly think I'm going to drop it that easily."

"You're right, I don't think you will." Illya spoke as they walked out of the school, toward the snowmobiles. "But everything has a place and time, and that story is for another."

"Fine, be like that. I don't forget easily and I won't let you get away with it for long!" Ardiel smiled, speaking playfully.

"I trust you won't, dear. Hop on, you don't want to be late."

Ardiel got onto the back of the sled and they headed for the airport.


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