Chapter 19

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Without her shining beacon which normally lay in her closet, the void had become even darker. She had no idea where the last piece of her past life had went, but she sent it off. Returning something was the only way she knew to make anything disappear like that, yet she had no idea where or what it returned to. Without it, she couldn't find the energy to get out of bed, let alone care about much of anything. If it weren't for her miserable father, she would still have that little piece left. But now there was nothing. 

At least her father hadn't come to berate her since it happened the day before. He actually seemed less intent on harassing her since then, which could only mean he'd made a breakthrough in his work. The only times he had been like this in the past was when he thought he was going to finally make it back to the elemental world. He never did. And when he finally realized that his breakthrough amounted to nothing, his fury would be worse than before. 

Every hour that her thoughts plummeted into a deeper pit, sending her mental state into the abyss as well. After eight hours of having "The Great King Darios" propaganda crammed into her head, she started toward her home. His castle. In her late 20's, you'd think she'd be allowed to live on her own. But it couldn't be risked, for fear that she would only spread heresy.

She thought about every other time her father had started ignoring her, spending abundantly more time in the top floor. Every time, after a few days, his work would falter and his anger would turn a glaring eye toward Belynta. She wondered how much time she had before it looked her way this time. 

She walked into the large, gloomy castle. Every step she took up the winding stairs, she savored. It would be her last after today. Step by step, her heart sank deeper, as if it were caught on a stair far behind her. It felt like she'd only walked a dozen steps when she arrived at the floor which her bedroom was on. Entering the hall, she looked around, glossing over it's sullen, bare walls. The darkness would consume her no more. 

Still, her heart was caught on that stair, left far behind her now. 

Walking into her room, she took a brief look around, before her eyes came across her closet. A small explosion within her chest sent shock waves of regret and pain through her body. Stepping onto her bed, she went over to the large window sunken into the wall and opened it wide, looking down countless stories. She closed her eyes, and promised herself it would be over soon. A cowards way out? Perhaps.

Then call me a coward. I won't live like this anymore.

She took one last look behind her, at her room, and snapped a mental photo of the last thing she'd see. She looked back out the window, held one foot and...

The crinkle of paper. 

It's your mind playing tricks on you Belynta, just go. End it, now!

She tried to force herself off, but curiosity overwhelmed her. She took a quick glance back and noticed the paper she once sent off, laying on her bed. Her heart soaring, she jumped down off the window sill and scuffled over to the paper. She read the ink on the paper, seemingly normal ink. 

"Who is this? Are you okay? I can help you. Just hang in there, don't do anything stupid, you're going to be okay." 

She looked around the room, doing a mental check to see if she was dreaming. Satisfied she was in reality, she let her excitement seep into her pores. 

Someone I can talk too.. I wonder.. 

Grabbing her pen, she set the paper on her night stand and started writing. 

"My name is Belynta. Who is this? Why would you want to help me? Unless you know a way to get me the hell out of here, you can't."

Using the only elemental ability she learned before she was banished, she focused on sending the paper back to the last person who held it, returning.

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