Chapter 6

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(F/m)= Favorite Movie

Joey's POV

Me and (Y/n) we're in the middle of (F/m), she was cuddled in a blanket and resting her head on my shoulder, I thought it was adorable. It was almost the end of the movie and I heard soft snores coming from her. I looked over to see her sleeping. This made me smile, I decided to give up my room to her and carried her upstairs, placing her on the bed and covering her up. She snuggled into the blankets and smiled in her sleep. I smiled and walked downstairs, laying on the couch and falling asleep.

Your POV
I woke up and looked around, the bed smelt of Joey's Cologne. "Oh yeah, I'm at Joey's house." I smiled and lied there for a few more minutes before getting up. I looked in his full body mirror and saw my hair. "Whoa.....bed head." I smoothed it down and fixed my shirt and looked around. He had fan art of him and the other boys hanging up. I found that quite adorable. I walked down and looked at Joey asleep on the couch. "Thanks for the bed Joefish." I muttered with a smile, he had no shirt on and only shorts. I blushed a bit before making a cup of coffee and standing in the back, watching the sun rise and sipped my coffee. It was quite beautiful, there was a purple, yellow, pink, and orange.

I was sitting on the rail and heard a voice. "Beautiful, isn't it?" I looked over to see Joey and smile, nodding. "Very." He walked over and leaned against the railing. We sat there and made small talk and just enjoyed each other's presence. It was wonderful to know more about him, he learned more about me. We went back inside and I washed my cup while he got ready. "Hey Joey?" I called and got a faint 'Yeah?' in return. "Can I drive your car home and change?" "Yeah! My keys should be hanging up by the door." I smiled. "Thanks!" I slid my shoes on and walked out after saying good bye.

~An hour later.~

I spent wat to much time getting ready, I ended up wearing shorts and and a black shirt with a white heart in the middle. I also wore black DC's and some sunglasses. I made my hair wavy and put the glasses on and grabbed my phone, putting it in my back pocket and walking out. I hopped into his car and drove back. I parked the car and honked the horn as he walked out with some basketball shorts on and a grey hoodie. "Hey!" I waved and smiled, he hopped in with a bottle of water. "Hey, you ready to go to the office?" I nodded and turned the radio on, we jammed sang to the music that played.

We laughed and parked the car, getting out and walking in. I followed him and plopped on his couch. "Comfy?" He smiled and sat at his desk. "Very." I smiled and grabbed his blanket, covering up with it. I was scrolling through my phone and responding to comments on my Twitter. "Hey (Y/n)! Come here!" Joey called. "Coming!" I took the blanket off and walked down. "Yeah?" "It's lunch time, wanna head to Chipotle?" He asked, having me nod. "Let's go!" I giggled and followed. We got to the restaurant and some fans ran up to Joey and I. "Can I have a picture?!?" A girl with brown hair asked. "Sure?" Joey responded and smiled, draping an arm over my shoulders and the girls. I smiled and she took the picture, a boy with blonde hair followed. "Can you sign my shirt?" He asked me and I nodded. "Of course little guy." I smiled and he handed me a marker, I gently took it from his hands. "What's your name buddy?" "Zachary." I nodded and wrote his name down. 'It was nice meeting you! Don't give up and always be happy!
                               Team Edge'
He lit up and hugged us both. "I love you guys so much!" I smiled and hugged back. "We love you too Zach." Joey smiled.

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