Overwhelmed & Tired

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It had been a week since Reid had returned to the BAU, he wasn't sure he was ready to begin working again, but it was his only way to feel okay. It was the absolute worst feeling when someone asked him if he was doing alright. It would only make him feel worse. So, he went with the simple answer, saying he was fine or doing better, at least it would keep them quiet. He couldn't keep feeling sorry for himself, it was childish and he hated being treated like a child. Reid wanted the others to know that he could handle this by himself. 

He began to pretend that whenever the BAU saved a victim from death, that victim was Maeve, and they saved her. It made Reid feel better, but it was starting to make him feel worse because that victim wasn't Maeve, and Maeve wasn't coming back. Reid was denying the fact that things weren't getting better with time, in fact, his grief was getting more powerful everyday. Whenever he saw crime scenes, he thought of her, everything surrounding him reminded Spencer of Maeve. Reid tried to sleep whenever he got the chance, because being asleep was an escape from reality. But whenever he drifted off, the horror smacked him in the face and he was jolted awake. This made him extremely exhausted and sleep deprived, which made him worse at his profiling skills. He was losing sight of who he used to be. 

The rest of the BAU team was noticing what was happening to Reid, and every time they tried to help, he just told them he was fine. He would talk to them, but it wasn't, Reid. It wasn't their Spencer Reid, the boy wonder, shooting out facts and statistics, blowing them away with his knowledge. Reid constantly looked disheveled and tired, with dark under eye circles growing day by day. He would fall asleep at his desk from being too worn out, and nobody bothered to wake him up, because they knew that he needed it. The only time they did is when he would start yelling and struggling in his sleep from the nightmares he would experience. Every day they told Reid he should go home, get rest and take time alone, and every time he refused help or concern. 

In the back of his mind, Reid knew that things would feel better if he injected Diluaidid into his veins, sending him into a happier place. But he had been doing so well with keeping away from it, battling his addiction to it, and he didn't want it to happen again. There was one thing that helped Reid for a few hours though.

 It was late, and the team was about to get on the jet back home. Morgan tapped Reid on the shoulder, "Reid, I'm not going to ask if you're okay because I know the answer I'll get. Because I know you aren't, if you ever want to talk about this, I will be here for you" Morgan said with sincerity in his speech. Reid was about to speak, but Morgan pulled out a small silver square, once it was flipped over it revealed two blue pills. Reid looked back up at Morgan, "What are these?" He asked. "They're sleeping pills, I thought they might help you get some actual rest, I'm worried about you Reid" Morgan said, trying to hide the emotion in his voice. Reid took the pills from Morgan, "Thanks" he said, and entered the plane. As soon as they got on, he took the pills with a cup of water. Reid wanted the pills to kick in quickly, but he knew they would take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour based on basic sleeping pills. The flight was four hours though, so Reid decided to try talking to Morgan about what he was feeling, maybe it would make him feel better. 

Trying To Forget (Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now