How Could You?

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Reid awoke the in a hospital bed, he didn't remember what had happened. The first thing he felt was nausea, he let out a groan of pain. This noise alerted Morgan, who was sitting at Reid's bedside. "Hey kid, what's wrong?" Morgan asked concerned, but mainly, he was glad to see Reid awake. "I feel like I'm gonna vomit" Reid said quietly, clenching his eyes shut tight in pain. Before Morgan could alert the nurse, Reid hurled over the side of his bed instinctively, and emptied the contents of his stomach onto the floor. The nurse entered the room, Reid looked up quickly with embarrasement. "I'm so sorry" Reid apologized quickly. The nurse smiled slightly, "It's alright Dr. Reid, it happens all the time, we'll clean it up for you", she replied sweetly. "Thank you, I'm sorry about that" Reid said nervously and politely. 

Once the nurse left the room to get cleaning supplies, Morgan turned to Reid once again. "What happened?" Reid asked. Morgan felt slightly angry with Reid for doing this to himself. "Reid, you overdosed on Diluadid" He stated, Reid opened his mouth to speak but Morgan interrupted him. "How could you do this? Do you have any idea how much you scared us Reid?" Morgan almost yelled, but he tried to keep his anger under control. After all, he was more scared than angry. Reid looked down and rubbed the injection wounds on his forearm. A guilty tear streamed quickly down Reid's cheek. "I'm sorry Morgan, I didn't mean to overdose," Reid croaked out. 

Two nurses walked in to clean up the vomit on the ground. Morgan and Reids' conversation was briefly interrupted. Once the nurses were finished, Reid thanked them multiple times, telling them how much he appreciated their help. Immediately after the nurses left, Morgan spoke. "Why did you do this Reid?" he questioned. Another tear rolled down Reid's cheek as he didn't know how to respond to Morgan. He could tell how angry Morgan was, it was all his fault. "Reid." Morgan asked again, wanting an answer. "I couldn't stop thinking about Maeve, I just wanted to forget for a little while," Reid snivelled. 

"Well it was more than a little while, why did you have to take 3 shots?" Morgan asked sternly. Reid couldn't look Morgan in the face, he felt so ashamed. "After I took the first shot, I didn't feel like I wanted, I needed to go further until I escaped" Reid explained quietly. A knock came to the door frame. Morgan turned around in his chair to see Garcia standing there. "How's it going?" She asked concerned. Morgan didn't reply to her. "What, no 'baby girl' greeting for me?" She said jokingly at Morgan. 

Garcia went to Reid's bedside and engulfed him in a hug. "Reid you scared me so bad! Don't ever do this again do you hear me?" She told him, but there wasn't any anger in her voice like Morgan. Reid didn't say anything back, he just nodded. Reid placed his hand over his eyes in shame of what he did. He just wanted to get out of that hospital. "What's wrong Reid?" Garcia asked concerned. All Reid said was, "I'm sorry," he couldn't handle how guilty he felt. 

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