I'm Sorry

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The song at the beginning has been in Criminal Minds season 12, I was listening too it and thought it would sound nice to play in the background of this chapter. 😊

Morgan came across Reid's desk, worrying when he noticed Reid wasn't there. He decided to look for Reid to make sure he wasn't just in another room. Anxiety kept increasing every minute he couldn't find him. Morgan asked the rest of the team, he looked in almost every room there was, but Reid was not there. JJ noticed Morgan's strange behavior, she walked up to him. "Everything okay Morgan?" JJ asked him, Morgan's eyes were in thought. "I don't know where Reid is" He stated, trying to sound professional under his nervous emotion. JJ looked confused, "What do you mean?" she questioned. "I've checked every room, he's not at his desk, he's been gone for at least 30 minutes, how couldn't you notice?!" Morgan rambled, anger present in his voice. JJ was slightly shocked at Morgans small outburst, she replied calmly, "I'm sure he's here somewhere" she comforted. At that moment, Morgan realized that there was one room that he didn't check. The bathroom. 

The doorknob didn't turn when Morgan went to open it. Reid had locked himself inside. Before jumping to conclusions, Morgan knocked on the door. "Hey Reid, you in there?" Morgan asked, only to get no response. The dead silence that came from inside sent a shiver down Morgan's spine. He couldn't wait any longer, he raised his leg and kicked down the door with full force. It was only seconds before he saw Reid laying on the floor. "Reid!" Morgan yelled out without a second thought. 

Morgan rushed over to Reid, instinctively checking his pulse. He placed two fingers on Reid's pale neck and sighed from relief when he felt a heartbeat. A very slow pulse, but it was still there. Looking down, he saw the syringe laying in Reid's hand and bottles of Diluadid on the floor. Morgan looked away, feeling angry that Reid would do drugs again. "What's going on?" Hotch asked from the doorway. Turning around, Morgan saw JJ and Prentiss standing behind Hotch. They all had frightened looks on their faces. "Prentiss call 911" Hotch ordered in his usual monotone voice. JJ walked over to where Morgan was kneeling by Reid. "What happened?" JJ asked anxiously. Without saying a word, Morgan held up the syringe that Reid had been clutching. JJ looked down and sighed once she saw what Reid had done. Morgan lifted Reid's head carefully as it swung back limply. Resting Reid on his lap, Morgan held his friend close, feeling a lump rise in his throat. JJ seemed to be fixed on Reid's arm, she softly lifted his elbow upward to examine his forearm. "Morgan look, " she told him, Morgan looked to where JJ pointed. Morgan saw three fresh needle holes in his skin. "Damn, those were all made around the same time" Morgan said, disappointed. 

Morgan drew his attention back to Reid. He shook Reid's shoulder lightly, "Reid, can you hear me?" Morgan asked nervously. Reid lay in Morgan's arms, unresponsive. Morgan lifted Reid's weak head and tapped Reid's face, repeating his name louder this time. 

Reid mumbled a bit, like he was trying to talk. A wave of relief came over Morgan when he heard Reid's voice, even though it was indistinct. Reid slowly began to open his eyes, leaving them halfway open. "Morgan?" Reid whispered quietly once he saw his friend looking over him. "Reid, It's gonna be okay" Morgan comforted. Just after saying that, the paramedics came to the door with a stretcher. They laid it down next to Reid's body, Morgan lifted Reid's delicate figure from the ground and placed Reid on the stretcher for the paramedics. "Thank you" one of them said, as they wheeled Reid out the door. Morgan followed behind quickly and stayed by Reid's side. A tear rolled down Reid's cheek as he looked at Morgan. "I'm sorry" he whimpered in apology. Morgan didn't know what to say. Reid closed his eyes once again and relaxed into the pillow underneath him. The stretcher was lifted into the ambulance and the doors shut behind them, Morgan catching one last glimpse of his fragile genius before the ambulance took off. 

Trying To Forget (Spencer Reid)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora