I Couldn't Save Her

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Morgan didn't know what to say in response to Reid. Maeve was dead, they all saw it happen, they all saw her dead body. How could Reid, of all people, believe that she was alive? "What makes you think that?" Morgan asked him, curious of Reid's reasoning. "We know that she was injured, but what if her heart never stopped beating, she could still be alive" Reid said with hope in his voice. The rest of the team heard what Reid was saying, giving each other confused glances. Reid was silent, his mind was racing, since they buried her body, she would be buried alive, she needed help. "We have to go to her grave" Reid said, standing up from the couch. "No, kid, I know that you miss her, but there's no reasonable explanation for her being alive" Morgan said concerned for Reid. "She wasn't dead when she was buried" Reid answered, he sounded so sure. "Even if that was true, Reid, she would be dead now from lack of oxygen" Hotch added on to the conversation. Reid had ignored what he was told, "We have to help her" Reid said, not taking no for an answer, he sat down, bouncing his leg up and down with anticipation and worry. The plane began to descend to the runway, nobody said anything else, they didn't know how to respond to Reid. 

Once they were back in the BAU office, Reid tapped Morgan on the shoulder quickly. "Could you drive me to the cemetery?" Reid asked nervously. Reid could tell by the look on Morgan's face, he wasn't going to drive him, "Kid,--" Morgan began before Reid interrupted him, "Fine, I'll get a taxi" he said, hurt that Morgan wasn't helping him, heading for the door. "Wait" Morgan responded quickly, chasing after Reid. Morgan let out a sigh, he was scared for Reid, and he wasn't about to let him do this alone. "Okay, I'll drive you" he said hesitantly. "Thanks" Reid said, feeling slightly guilty about how he was acting. "We'll be back in about an hour" Morgan announced to the rest of the team. "Where are you going?" Garcia asked, she hadn't been on the plane to hear what was going on. "The cemetery" Reid answered, he was running out of time. He opened the door and hustled to the parking lot. "I'm coming with you" Garcia yelled, waving goodbye to the others before they could object, running after them. 

The car ride was awkwardly silent, Garcia still hadn't been informed on the reason they were heading to the cemetery, but she was worried for her boy wonder, she just wanted him to be okay. Morgan parked the car, Reid hopped out as it was still moving, he was in a huge hurry. He ran to Maeve's grave, stopping when he found it. He could hear Maeve, she was screaming, "Help me! I'm not dead! Somebody please!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, banging from the inside of her casket. Reid called back to her, "Don't worry! It's Spencer, I'm here to get you out!", Morgan and Garcia caught up with Reid and stood confused. Reid looked back at them quickly, "One of you dial 911", he commanded with fear in his eyes. When neither Morgan or Garcia dialed, only looked more confused, Reid shot back, "What are you doing?! Maeve is screaming for help and you just stand there?" he yelled, anger rising within him. "Reid, nobody is yelling for help" Garcia said concerned. Reid looked at Garcia, he didn't know what she meant. "Maeve are you still there?" He yelled to the ground. There was no response, Reid slammed his hand on the ground, "Maeve? Maeve!" He repeated, then he heard her voice quietly. "Spencer," she struggled, "What is it Maeve?!" Reid answered, running out of breath. "I love you" her voice choked out, it was barely audible, but it rang through Reid's ears louder than any other sound. "I-I love you too" he replied, his voice beginning to crack. "Goodbye" she cried, before the ground fell silent. 

Reid hysterically yelled her name, asked her to talk to him, told her things were going to be okay,  but he eventually gave up. Breaking down sobbing that he was too late to save her. Again. The whole time Morgan and Garcia were extremely worried about Reid, he was obviously having some sort of delusion that Maeve was talking back to him. The entire time Reid would "reply" to her, she never gave a response. Morgan slowly bent down to Reid, gently and carefully placing his hand on Reid's back. Reid stopped trembling and crying, "Maeve?" He said before looking up. But when he saw that it was only Morgan he began to sob again. Garcia had tears streaming down her face too, she never liked seeing anybody feel this way, especially her innocent Reid. Morgan helped Reid up and they began walking back to the car slowly. "I couldn't save her, I had a second chance to save her and I failed again" he tried to hold back the tears, "This is all my fault" he wept, continuing to cry even more. 

Trying To Forget (Spencer Reid)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora