I'm Fine

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Morgan was trying to hide his fear the best that he could. It was scary to see Reid act this way, he had seen him cry before but never this intensely. But the thing that scared Morgan the most is that Reid thought he heard Maeve calling for him. He knew that Reid was afraid that he would have a schizophrenic break sometime, and Morgan felt like this could be the start of one. He didn't want him to get any worse, or Reid would be like a whole different person. "I think you should take a little time off Reid, okay? I'm going to bring you home" Morgan comforted. Reid objected the request, "No, no it's fine, really, I'll be okay. I just have to focus on work instead" he insisted, but Morgan wouldn't allow it, Reid was in no position to work with more dead bodies and murders right now. 

They brought Reid back to his apartment. His crying had subsided, but Morgan was worried what Reid would do if left alone. Garcia stayed with Reid, just to make sure he would be okay. Morgan said goodbye and headed back to the BAU. The room was silent, Reid was sitting on the couch, staring at the ground. "How are you doing Reid?" Garcia consoled patiently. Reid just shook his head, he didn't want to talk. Garcia decided to try her best to sound somewhat comforting and helpful. "Reid, I know you won't believe me when I say this, but, things are going to get better, I promise you" she insisted. Reid spoke in a whisper, "Thanks Garcia, but, I just want to be alone right now" he whimpered, laying down on the couch. "Everything will be okay" Garcia added. Sitting back up with misty eyes and a hint of anger in his gaze, he snapped back at Garcia. "Okay? No, things are not okay, and they aren't going to be" he spoke, his self-hatred rising within himself. "It's all my fault, I could have saved her, and I failed to save her the second time" Reid broke down in tears. Before Garcia could speak, Reid smacked his head with his hand in an attempt to punish himself for his actions. 

He kept on smacking his head in a frenzy of sadness, yelling about how stupid and worthless he was. He was trembling, his breath was heavy and shaky. Garcia leapt into action, sitting next to him and giving him a comforting hug, rubbing his back with her hand, trying to calm him down. "Just breathe, it's okay, I'm here" she sympathized. 

An hour had passed, Reid seemed much calmer now. He wasn't crying anymore. Garcia's phone rang loudly, "Sorry" she apologized and looked at the text message from Morgan. 

Hey baby girl, I know I want you to stay with Reid but we really need your help with this case. Text me back 😁

Garcia looked up at Reid, who seemed like he was doing fine now. She negotiated the pros and cons of leaving him here while she went to work. She texted back:

Reid seems to be doing better, I think it will be fine if he stays alone 🙂 I'll be there as quick as I can 😉

Garcia put her phone away and looked to Reid. "Hey Reid?" she asked, "Yeah?" he replied. "Do you think you'll be okay if I head back to work? They need my help over there" she explained. "Of course! I should probably go too, I feel a lot better now" Reid said, getting up from the couch.  "Are you sure Reid? I don't know, I feel like you should just stay here" Garcia replied concerned. "Garcia trust me, I feel fine, please take me with you" he begged her. Well, he definitely looked like he was doing better, and having him at work felt more safe than having him alone. Garcia hesitated before giving in, "Sure, yeah you can come" she said. "Okay let me just grab my bag quick, it's in my room" he added, before jogging into his room. Once he was in, he opened his sock drawer, hidden in the back was a little bottle of Diluaidid, with the needle and syringe right next to it. He grabbed it quickly and shoved it into his bag, "Just in case" he thought to himself before he and Garcia left the building. 

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