Chapter 6

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Saturday has come. I'm really excited, not only to see Harry but to see more of London! 

I got the cutest outfit from topshop. I'm really excited to wear it. I also made my sister wake up early and do my hair, and she did it so lovely! I vote for Nollie to be a hair dresser.

I wanted my makeup to be pretty neutral, but I added a red lip. 

I felt pretty confident, for once. Today was going to be a good day and I could feel it.

The doorbell rang and I knew it was him. I quickly looked in the mirror one last time and hurried to the door. Can't say I didnt wait a few seconds to open the door, didn't wanna look like I was waiting by the door or anything.....


Here I am. I think this is the right place? I waited in my car a little bit to see if she'd come out. I am really excited for today. Estee seemed like a very sweet girl, and I hope that she likes London so she'll stay. I don't know her to well, but I feel like i've known her forever.

I proceeded to her door since it didn't look like she was coming out.

"Hey love!"  I said as she opened the door. She looked absolutely stunning.

"Hi Harry! Come on in!" She said with her sweet smile.

"Wow, nice place you got. You guys all settled in?"

"Ah, I guess you could say that. Some of our furniture and stuff hasnt arrived yet, and I'm still looking around for bits and pieces to decorate my room. But overall yeah, pretty much."

"I know this great shop with vintage furniture, maybe I'll take you there! Well you look lovely. Ready to get some breakfast?"

"I'd love that! Thank you very much, so do you. And yes, get ready cause I love to eat."

"Me too. Except not as much as Niall, I dont think anyone eats as much as him.."

"Except me"  She said laughing.

We headed out the door.


The car ride was suprisingly not awkward at all. We talked a lot about.. just everything. I told him about Canada and the differences, and he told me about his career and the postivies and negatives about it.

Soon we arrived at a resturant called The Delaunay. He opened the door for me when we were getting out. I repeat, he opened the door for me when we were getting out. Such a gentleman. 

Once we sat, I ordered scrambled eggs with sasuages and hashbrowns and some fruit (told you I'm a big eater) and Harry ordered an egg and cheese omelete with a side pancake.

Over breakfast, we had a conversation about regrets and people who've done us wrong in our lives. I don't know, it just came up.

Believe it or not, we actually had a lot in common. Behind that popstar airbrushed face, was a real normal guy.  In that moment I felt like someone actually cared about my problems, and that I could tell him anything and he would care. That's what I liked most about him. He was sweet, caring, hilarious and charming. What more could a girl want? Everything I've ever wanted is sitting right infront of me.

Thanks for reading! Let me now if you are and I'll try to make the chapters longer! :) xx

The Risk I Took (Harry Styles fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang