Chapter 23

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We loaded our bags in the car in the morning. Harry was driving, so I sat in the passenger seat and Lou and Eleanor sat in the back cuddling. They were cute, really cute.

I'm excited to go back to Chesire. It has this feeling that makes you feel at home. Harry talks about all these nice sites there and promises he'll take me. 

I can tell that he's still hurt over Jessica. He may not show it but I know him. Their kiss obviously had some sort of affect on him. He talked to me about how he's considering forgiving her, and giving her another chance. It hurt so much to hear it, and it made me quite mad actually.

He can't just go around kissing and flirting with me only to go back to Jessica. Really though, whatever. His happiness is all the maters.. right?

I haven't spoken to Luke since we broke up. Harry says I should meet up with him to talk like he did with Jessica. He's just so indecisive. First he wanted me to have nothing to do with him, and now since he's talking to her again it's all different. He wanted me to kiss him during truth or dare, he said it out loud. I don't know what he's trying to do but whatever it is, it's working. Whatever.


We got on the road and started heading home. I exchanged glances with Estee a few times, she had her thinking face on and I could tell. 

I just hope these few days go well. I'm really excited to have everyone come along with us, it'll be cute to have all couples around. Well, except Estee and I. I feel like we're sort of like a couple though. Except we're not a couple. And don't like eachother in that way. But we act like one, and do everything couples do. I know what you're thinking. No.

"So did you sleep well babe?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Yee, did you?"

"No! You kept kicking me."

"You're just going to have to put up with my kicking. For 5 more days." I laughed.

"Lucky me." I said sarcastically.

"I called my mum and told her to make a ton of room in the bungalow for all of us. There's like 10 of us I don't even know how we're gonna fit.." I added.

"You should have thought this over Styles! We'll make it work."

"Yeah, you could always sleep outside."

"Oh shut up, if anyone's sleeping outside it's you. On the roof."

"Hah. Everyone's so excited to see you again! My mum said you're an absolute gem and are hilarious. I don't know what she's talking about." I joked.

"Aw I love Anne,"

"Yes she is." I agreed smiling. 

I love my mum.


I watched as Harry and Estee exchanged glances, and teased eachother. They are eally cute. And it takes a lot for me to say that Harry and a girl are cute. If only they were together. It's so annoying cause they both don't realize it. And they get so deffensive over their relationship. 

Eleanor and I have talked about it several times before. She's quite close with Estee aswell and she says it's the same vibe from her. They'll realize and thank me one day.

It makes me quite mad though. I've been with Harry through all his girlfriends, but genuinely I've never seen him as happy as he is now. Est brings out something in him. I don't know what it is. He's been talking about her for the past 5 months non stop from the moment he saw her in the plane to the moment we left the house for this trip. He's crazy about her. She's crazy about him. They are crazy about eachother.

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