Chapter 13

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America so far is great. We got to go to the Men In Black 3 premier which was so much fun, and did some interviews here and there. I forgot how much I loved doing what I do. 

We also suprised some fans at a diner. It was amazing. 

I truly believe that distance is like a test. It'll either break you or make you stronger, so time will tell.

As much as I miss my friends and family back home, I wouldn't change it for anything. I had one of those realization moments today. I can't believe how much we've accomplished as a band and how far we've come. I'm so thankful for every second of this life and every second with the boys because they truly are like my brothers. We did it.


The past 2 weeks have been so dull. Nothing exciting has really happened.. except for the fact that I got the job at sugarscape! Can't explain how happy I am. My job is to write articles about celebrity fashion, so this should be easy. I can see myself writing an article about Harry's jumper or something.

Luke and I have made up although he still thinks I steer every conversation back to Harry, but I honestly don't give a shit. I'll admit, I do talk about him quiet a bit but he is so far away and after spending like, everyday together it's not exactly easy. I always feel like something's missing. But I guess a part of me sees where Luke is coming from, I would be quite annoyed if we spent all our time talked about one of his female friends. I guess I'll try to watch my mouth more.

I honestly don't think I've been so close with anyone before Harry. Atleast not another guy. Not even my own father, who has never really been a father figure in my life but I'm over it.

It's nice having him as a best friend. Don't have to worry about impressing anyone, or drama, or anything. But it's also difficult because of how much we spent together and it's a huge transition to not seeing him for weeks. I can't even imagine how Jessica feels. 

Other than Harry, Liam and I are close aswell! We talk quite a bit and I genuinely think he's the sweetest guy ever. He's also really easy to talk to and he is good at comforting people. Any girl that gets to call him her's is a lucky one.

Niall is just an all around fun person, we are always laughing and he's just a great guy with a great taste in food. Never, ever fails to cheer me up.

Zayn is more chilled out, but once you get to know him, like I have, he's actually really loud and funny. Just takes a little bit to get past his walls.

And Louis, my Louis. He is beyond hilarious and I knew it from the moment I met him. But he's also easy to talk to and if I could get drunk with him for a living I would.

I went over to Harry and Louis' flat and I mowed their grass, and got all the mail like the angel I am. You'd think they have people to do this for them, but apparently not. Just regular boys. 

We chat a little here and there, not as much as we though we would but that's okay. I see pictures of the boys in America and how happy they all look and I don't wanna come between that.


America is always fun. I miss Eleanor a lot, and of course my family. Especially my mum.

Everything gets real when we meet fans. It's just a reminder how lucky we are and how we owe everything to them.

I know Harry like the back of my hand and I know how much he's missing home. Or the people home?

He talks more about Estee and how much he misses her quite a lot. I haven't heard him talk about how much he misses Jessica at all. I don't think thats right because Estee is his friend, Jessica is his girlfriend. Plus Estee is in a relationship.

Not that I really know Jessica that well.. we've been introduced but other than that never talked to her in my life, which is weird because she's dating my best friend that lives with me. Really weird actually. But Estee and I are friends, we even hang out without Harry. She's just a friendly person, really easy to be friends with. She's pretty close with all the boys but her and Harry are inseperable. You can't help but think that there's something going on between them. If there is, I don't think it's fair to Luke and Jessica for them to just hang on to them like this. But, who knows.

I'll definitely be looking into this.


Thank you so much for reading, please spread my fanfic around and get more people reading it, it would mean a lot :D 

Sorry there isn't much going on in this chapter but it'll get better!

My twittah is @Bethe1D x

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