Making it Halal

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Uqbah's POV
    Fatimah has been my enemy since the day we became lab parners.. She was this annoying girl who wants things done her own way and she was also very smart 😉
     It all started the day we almost caused an explosion in the lab 'cus of our usual argument...
We were sent to the principal's office and he almost called our parents.. We promised not to argue if he didn't call them and he agreed not after warning us never to cause any trouble again and dismissed us...
   We went to our lockers to get some things since school was over.. On my way out of school I saw Fatimah and I quickly moved towards and her and just said "FRIENDS???" .. She looked at me with her eyebrow raised and said sure and we left for our various homes..
   Ok maybe I have always had a little crush on Fatimah but I was too stupid to man up and approach her and so the arguments were my ways of getting to talk to her..  I just love annoying and seeing the frustrated look on her face My Oh My it's just so delightful..
     We started talking and became good friends and along the line I decided to finally make it halal and I approached her Parents asking for her hand in marriage..  I know I should have told her first but I was scared she was going to turn me down..
She was really surprised and confused when she saw my Parents and I at her place. Well I don't blame her..  Not like I was expecting her to jump up and start dancing.. Lol...  Anyways, she said she was going to think about it and we left..
   Next day in school she walked up to me saying she wanted to talk to me after school and I nodded not able to say anything..
" So where are we meeting? "She asked,
"Coffee shop close to school" I replied, and she left.. Sighing I walked to class hoping she's not going to get angry with me and turn me down
  The day went by pretty fast and I made my way to the coffee shop...  I searched the shop to see if she got there before me but she wasn't there and so I made my way to a table and sat down
"What would u like to have Sir" the waiter asked,
"Not yet, I'm waiting for someone "I answered,
Just then Fatimah entered with her friend Hameedah..  Oh I totally forgot, we ain't allowed to talk alone since we ain't married yet but why Hameedah of all people.. No offence but I just don't like her..  She's just not my type, I don't even know why they are friends, they are two different people.. Fatimah can be annoying attimes Yh but Hameedah is always annoying.. She's got a loose tongue and is always talking.
Ya Allah help me with this
"Salam alaykum ",  They said,
"Walaykum Salam "I replied, 
Hameedah sat on a separate table not too far from us and I sighed in relief
"What would u like to have "I asked, calling the waiter to take our orders
"OK so what do you want to know about me "I asked her,
"Everything "She replied,
I got nervous, Ya Allah! "So Uhm, My name is Uqbah Salim " I said not knowing what to say at first
"Of cos stupid we know that ", Hameedah said
Fatimah and I turned to look at her and she literally ran to the bathroom
"I'm so sorry for that, she can be annoying attimes ",Fatimah said
"Sure no problem, I said
"You were saying? ", Fatimah asked

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Fatimah's POV coming up

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