I want you so much

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I want you so much

"Thank you so much for coming and looking at the room” Chandler spoke, walking me down the hallway. “That’s okay, I need a place to stay anyway” I smiled. Chandler and I have non each other scene middle school, his like the big brother I never had. I could tell him absolutely anything, and he would never judge me, sure he can be a sarcastic, annoying person but I loved him nevertheless. “Okay, so this is the room, its close by if you need anything” he chuckled “Okay… great” I mocked. “Ready to see it?” Chandler asked knocking on the door “Yeah” I replied shyly, not knowing what type of person would be behind the door. A man with dark hair and beautiful brown eyes answered. I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. “Katie, this is Joey, Joey this is Katie. She’s hear to have a look at the room” Chandler spoke, "Oh, uh… Hi” He muttered, “Im joey” “Hey, I’m Katie” I smiled. We walked into the apartment and Joey gave me a tour “So yeah, the apartment is small, but uh, its good if you want to have Sex on the couch without anyone looking right?” joey kidded, winking at me as I smiled. He had the most gorgeous smile. “Yeah, sex on the couch is way better than the bed anyway” I teased.
“I like this girl! Where did you find her?!” Joey exclaimed “I didn’t find her, she’s one of my friends, now can she get the room or-” Chandler got cut off before he could finish the sentence. “Baby, who’s here?” A skinny brunette, who looked like a cake face, spoke while walking out of, what I was guessing, Joeys room. She walked over and cuddled herself into Joeys arms, my face dropped. “Babe... what’s for breakfast?” she spoke before looking over at me “And who’s this?” “Janice this is Katie, Katie this is Janice” “Hey, I’m Joeys girlfriend” she took out her hand “Hi, it’s nice to meet you”. My heart sank when she said that, I know I’ve only just met this guy, but all hopes in being with him were ruined. “Okay, well, were going to leave you guys to it, just come over Joey if he room is still free” Chandler spoke leaving the apartment.

Chandler was letting me stay at his and Monica’s apartment until Joey knew what was happing with his. “So, what do you think of Joey” Gushed Monica happily “His kind of cute” I smiled “Oh my god! I thought the same thing!, before I met Chandler of course” Mon added before trying to change the subject, “What did you think of his girlfriend?” She seems okay” I said stubbornly “Don’t lie” “What?” I smiled “Tell me what you really think of her, I won’t tell Joey or Chandler” “Promise?” “I promise” “I don’t like her, she seems like a bitch”. Monica laughed “I don’t like her either... She’s the type of girl to use him...” “Maybe you should be with him!” she added “What? Monica he has a girlfriend” “So, she’s not good for him, she never lets him out of that apartment, she’s ruining his friendships with the group. Just think about this, you slowly get to know him, and maybe start to have a thing” ‘Monica, I’m not going to make him brake up, from what I saw, he looks happy” “Okay then, I’ll invite him over for dinner”.

Ding Dong

“Come in!” Monica yelled as we finished placing plates onto the dining table. “Hey you guys, long time no see!” Joey exclaimed, “Told you so” Monica whispered in my ear before going and greeting Joey. “So where do you want me to put this bottle of wine?” “Ooh, here I’ll put this on the table” said Monica as she walked back my way “Im going to leave with Chandler, you’re going to get to know him better, okay? Good luck!” she whispered “Wait Monica!” I turned around and Monica had already left. Dammitt. “Sooo, do you want to open this bottle of wine and go eat chocolate?” I asked, hoping to break the awkward silence.  “Sure” he smiled. Joey and I spent the rest of the night laughing over nothing and stuffing our faces with food. We ended up staying up till 2:30, we didn’t even realize how late it was getting. And we weren’t even drunk yet. Joey looked me in the eyes and smiled his sexy smile. It made my blush so I fidgeted and took another sip of my wine. “So how come no man hasn’t swept you off your feet yet?” “I really don’t know” I laughed, “because I think you look pretty nice” Joey smiled. Insert mega blush here. “Thank you” I replied, trying to hide the blush, “Would you want to hang out more?” I had no idea if this was the alcohol talking, but what the hell. “Sure, when and where?” I smiled “Coffee shop, 12:00, Tomorrow”. I was so shocked, I might actually have a chance with him. Who am I kidding though, he has a girl friend who is way better than me anyway. “Katie” Joey asked, snapping me out of my thoughts “Yeah” “I have to go, Janice will be home soon” “Oh, well, thanks for staying… even though the others left” “it’s fine, I had fun” he laughed. “Okay, so I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked before closing the door “Yeah I’ll see you tomorrow” I smiled.

The one where you fall for your bestfriend (Joey Tribbiani Fanfic) F.R.I.E.N.D.SWhere stories live. Discover now