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“Katieee!” Joey yelled from the hallway, “Coming!” I quickly fixed my hair and makeup, yes I wore makeup even though he has a girlfriend, and walked outside. “Hey, ready to go…” he smiled “Yeah” I smiled shutting the door behind me. It was freezing, so, I wore my black skinny jeans, sweater, and a white beanie with my black flats. “Why don’t we ditch the coffee and walk around? I mean your new here right?” Joey asked “Sure, what are you going to show me though?” “You’ll see” he grinned.

About an hour later after walking around town, we stopped at this little pizza shop. “They have the world’s best pizza in here” he said opening the door for me. We sat down and Joey placed the order and paid. “Oh my god, your right” I said with a mouthful of pizza, “Right?” he agreed, “This is the best piece of pizza I’ve ever had” “Oh and it gets better, they make it extra cheesy!” I couldn’t help but to laugh at him, he had pizza sauce all over his face, he still looked adorable.

Afterwards we decided to walk around town a bit more, but we got tired so I suggested ice skating that was up ahead. “I can’t ice skate” Joey hesitated “I’ll teach you, it’s easy” “I have to left feet...” he said shyly. I grabbed Joeys hand and lead him out onto the ice. “See, you can skate” I smiled “Yeah, I can” he smiled “I know I only just started, but do you want to skate off the wall? But you can’t let go” “I won’t let go” I replied. Joey interlocked his fingers with mine; his hands were warm.  When he got the hang of it, we started dancing, laughing, and pretty much just looking like idiots. There was seriously never a dull moment with him.

“Well that was fun” Joey laughed “Yeah, we’ll definitely have to do that again”. “Wait, are you asking me out?” he grinned “Yess, your so damm sexy” I smirked “well thank you” he grinned “Goodnight Joey” I laughed, entering Chandler’s apartment.

The one where you fall for your bestfriend (Joey Tribbiani Fanfic) F.R.I.E.N.D.SWhere stories live. Discover now