3. Science

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I don't need to talk to Amber. Education is important and I should solely focus on that rather than some friendship. I tried to convince myself of that throughout the first half an hour of the lesson. It was actually quite depressing at how Amber was more than comfortable enough chatting with Blue. I mean, I would have done the same but still it was sad.

"Okay! Everybody with the person sitting next to them, record the measurement of your catches!" Mr. Ash declared. Turning towards Greyson, he was already holding the ruler.

"Do you want to go first?" He asked. I agreed and he held the ruler over my hand which was ready to clasp it. "3, 2, 1, go!"

Once the ruler had been dropped, I tried to grab it as quickly as possible but I had only reached it at 22cm. We both recorded our results and we continued on.

"Last go for you then it's my turn. 3, 2, 1-" Greyson dropped the ruler and then said, "Go!" I wasn't ready when he had done that. The previous four times, we always went on go not before. He cheated. "Wow, Fern. You didn't even catch it that time. What a pity."

Controlling my anger towards him, I instead intended to act my vengeance towards him. "My turn."
It was all I said as I grabbed the ruler, giving him an innocent smile when we were face to face again. He thought I was someone he could cheat on. Oh, how I will prove to him that he was mistaken to do such things to me.

Looking him in the eye, I held the ruler above his hand. "3 2 1 go," I said softly but quickly as I let go of the ruler. He didn't catch on and stared at the ruler now on the floor. I didn't say anything as I went to get the ruler, holding it above his ready hand. His eyes were determined as he stared at his hand.

"3, 2, 1, go," I said slower this time but I had dropped the ruler behind his hand so he couldn't get it. He gave me a furious look and I just stared at him with innocent eyes. This continued three more times, his agitations growing with each missed catch.

It was his last go and instead of staring at his hand again, he decided to look at me. Not glare or glower but just look. It was off putting and I dropped the ruler without even counting down and he caught it without taking his eyes off of me. I glanced at the ruler then at him.

"Wow, Greyson. You only caught one. What a pity," I told him and he smiled at me.

"A pity indeed," he replied and I smiled back. We recorded his catch and by then it was time to listen to Mr. Ash again. We didn't talk to each other for the rest of lesson. We didn't need to.

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