3. Bedroom

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"You know when you said that I'm not your type," I begun, still facing the ceiling instead of towards Forest. We weren't cuddling or even touching, we were just laying naked next to one another staring at his plain white ceiling. "What is your type then?"

He chuckled lowly, his face angling towards me slightly but not completely. "Why'd you care now? Over Greyson so soon?"

I rolled my eyes at his remark. "Unfortunately that is not the case. I just never thought of you to be the type to have a type."

"Everyone has a type," he replied. "Some people may say they don't but they do. All a type is is someone who fits into a category and you would date. You're type is Greyson, but I'm going to guess it wasn't always."

"No, it wasn't." There was a time where I didn't like him and I had preferred guys that were considered 'nerds' but now I can't help but compare all the guys in my life to Grey. It seemed the other way really. Greyson didn't fit in my category because he was my category thus no other guy could fit in.

"Exactly. My type is nice and sweet, by the way." I raised my eyebrows at his response.

"Are you saying I'm not nice or sweet?"

"Yes." I picked the pillow from under my head and threw it at him as he laughed. "I kidding," he said as he threw the pillow back at me. Leaning on his arm, he looked down at me with a wide grin. "You are a nice girl and all but you're more of a nerd whereas I'm more into the average, quiet girls like-"

"Violet," I finished for him. At the mention of her name, he fell back onto his pillow, now dazing off dreamily to the ceiling.

"Yeah, like Violet."

"You know, half the class ships you and Violet together, but you two are so oblivious to each other's feeling, it's literally painfully," I explained. "Blue and I made a bet that you would ask her out first but Grey bet that she would ask you first." I stopped for a moment, the memory reminding me how Blue punched his shoulder playfully and he hugged her from behind. He's not mine. "Do me a favour and let me and Blue win the bet."

Forest choked a little. "Violet likes me?"

"I mean, I don't have her word for it but I think I can take a lucky guess, I mean, I was right about you." He threw the pillow back at me. "Hey! What was that for?"

"If you're lying, I'm going to murder you," he said in what was meant to be an angry tone but sounded more desperate. I laughed at his reaction.

"I'm not, I promise. Will you ask her out?" I asked. He looked at me intensely which made me squirm slightly. "Stop looking at me like that."

"I might ask her out," he finally said and turned away from me. After a few moments, I started whispering his name.

"Forest, Forest, Foreeest. Forest?" After receiving no reply, I decided to leave quietly.

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