Chapter 5 - Jealousy

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// Y/N POV//

After kissing Flug, you leave the room and start to walk to the kitchen, only to be stopped by Black Hat. He sees that you are blushing like crazy, now that you have a better paper bag.

"I see Dr. Flug gave you a better bag." he said.

"Y-yes he did, s-sir." you say, avoiding his eye contact. He notices and leans closer, his face inches away from mine.

"Look at me when you talk, darling. I want to see your pretty eyes...or as much of them as I can see." he pauses for a moment before grabbing the sides of your face. "Take off the bag, or I will do it for you, my dear. I want to see your pretty face.... and more if I want."  he says the last part while looking down the front of your shirt, since he is much taller than you. His eyes greedily looking at your bra.  You where about to say something, but was then cut off by Flug.

"S-SIR! DON' T D-DO THAT!" he yells at Black Hat, shock in his voice at the site before him. Black Hat whips around shocked that his nervous-wreak-of-a-scientist yelled at him.

"What did you just say to me, Dr. Flug? Repeat it, I dare you." Black Hat says, clearing trying to scare Flug.

"I s-said, don't d-do that. I-it is improper of y-you, sir." says Flug, shaking like an earthquake was happening. Black Hat lets go of you, and walks over to Flug. He grabs his neck at holds him up in the air, choking him. Flug looks at you with pure fear in his eyes. Black Hat just laughs and tightens his grip around the scientist's neck, causing Flug's eyes to close and make his body go limp. You decide to make a move, knowing that Black Hat will not hurt you. You know he likes you. Running up behind him you rap your arms around his chest. He tenses up and drops Dr. Flug with a thump.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" he asks. You only respond by moving to the front of his body. *Oh God, I hope this works* you think to your self and look up at Black Hat, he is blushing like crazy. You side your face down his chest until your chin hits the top of his pants.

"Y/n! W-what..... you.... what....AHHHHHH" he says and disappears in a poke of smoke, clearly too embarrassed to stay any longer. You run to Flug and sit next to him, seeing if he is dead or not.

"F-flug? Are you ok? P-please, wake up." Nothing happens. You try again. "Flug, c-come on now, s-stop joking with me. Wake up!" you say, trying to wake him up. He doesn't move. You try one last thing, bending down and lifting up his bag so you can see his lips again. You kiss them, softly. Suddenly, you are pulled onto his chest and pushed deeper into the kiss. Pulling away from him, you stare at him. His lips form a smug smile. In response you slap him.

"OW. Y/N! Why did you do that!" he says, shocked that you slapped him. 

"I thought you died! Why did you do that to me? I........ thought I lost you." you say, starting to cry, for the second time today. He pulls you into a hug.

"I am sorry, y/n. I didn't mean to scare you." he says, compassion flowing out of him.

"Dr. Flug! Get in my office, NOW!" Black Hat yells from his office. You get off of Flug's chest and help him up. He kisses your forehead and heads for his boss's office.

// Black Hat POV//

After disappearing in a puff of black smoke, I hide behind the corner of the hallway I was just in. I just want to see what y/n would do after..... what she just did to me. I know I am still blushing. I watch her run of to Flug and try to wake him up. She stops talking to him at kisses him. My jaw drops. *I thought she liked me? Not him!* I think to myself, but am pulled back to realty when Flug pulls her onto him and kisses her back. That is all I need to see. I walk back my office in a fit of rage and call out to Dr. Flug. I need to talk to him about this. A few minutes later, he knocks on my door.

"Get in here." I say as I watch him walk in. I stand up and walk over to him, towering over his shaking figure. He only gulps. I then throw him against the wall and pin him there, using my demon powers, of course.

"Why are you trying to take my girl, Dr. Flug."



Paperbags (Dr. Flug x Reader) VillainousWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu