Miss independant | 4

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"Would you look at that" Lorenzo spat ,"The rich girl can slap"he snickered.

I rolled my eyes as a gave him a 'duhh' look

"Don't disrespect me Milagros" he sternly says

"What's there to respect?" I reply just as serious.

"Why don't I show you", he says taking a step towards me, before he could take another step ,my view is blocked with someone's huge back , protectively standing in front of me, Adrian.

" Back off ", Adrian angrily states.

"And who the hell are you another boy toy I always knew you were a little hoe Mila just look at this riff raff" Lorenzo insults.

John appear on Lorenzo's right side as Ross does the same on the left, they are what I call his 'minions' always doing his dirty work.

As Matthew , Chris and Julius appear on Adrian's sides.

Really, this is what we are doing?
Irritated ,I moved and now stood in front of Adrian.

"Don't speak to him in that manner Lorenzo, your already getting on my last nerve", I say crossing my arms over my chest, "I suggest you turn around and mind your own business, or better yet stick your nose in those drugs your sooooo addicted to and not in things that don't concern you ,especially Adrian"

"Well lover boy looks like the rich girl has a soft spot for you",Lorenzo speaks with anger.

"Oh my, is Lorenzo jealous" I tease.

Adrian places his hands on my waist, signalling me not to temper him anymore.
Lorenzo looked at Adrian's hands on my waist as he turned around and laughed, inhaling and exhaling deeply as I thought he was turning around to leave, I thought wrong as he turned around again, his face full of anger as he raised his hand in the air I watched as it lowered itself on to my face.

But then it was caught before it could reach my check, as Adrian stepped out from behind me, a hard punch collided straight into Lorenzo's jaw , causing Lorenzo to be sent flying back.

Woah!, I almost felt sorry for the guy.

"Think again ,before hitting a woman in front of me again you coward" Adrian spat.

John and Ross inched towards Adrian but I blocked their way.
"don't even think about it",I spat ,They got the message and stepped back.

Lorenzo getting back up to his feet as he glared at me and Adrian he smiled,"It's on lover boy "as he turned around and walked away.

Looking back at Adrian to find him looking at me," don't take what he said seriously he is a drug addict he has no right to be dragging you into this and trying to scare you off and he doesn't have it right in his head ....he is basically a crackhead and thank you.....thank you so much for standing up for me" I rambled.
He then surprised me as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders as he engulfed me in a hug, I instantly wrap my arms around his torso.

"Don't worry about it, you don't deserve to be disrespected like that , I definitely would not watch him hurt you in front of me" he softly says.

Making me smile, I turn back to everyone else "I think we should all be heading home now guys" which they all agreed to, we began gather the belongings as I payed the bill.

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