Chapter 4

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Today was the day.

I was going to get my hair dyed.

And....go on a date with Dan.




(Author here: in case you didn't see in the description, Jemma is your sister. No hate please. Jemma is awesome! :) ) (p.s. chapter 2 had a time skip for about two months? So you don't tell each other that you have feelings for each other for a few months. )

I dialed her number.

Come on, come on, pick up...



"Pardon? (Y/N), take a breath."

I inhaled.

"Okay, so, I. Am. Going. On. A. Date. With. THE. DanTDM."

She laughed.

"Wait, you're serious. How did that happen?"

"Well, you know how I moved to my new house?"

"Yeah, go on."

"It turned out that Dan is my NEIGHBOR. We made some videos and stuff but, he just asked me out yesterday. And... I think I like him!", I said nervously.

"Wow. Okay, first, calm down. It will be fine. When is your date?"


"Okay, good. Are you ready?"

"Y-yeah, I think. I have a hair appointment at noon, which is in an hour. I should probably get going."

"Okay, tell me how it goes!"

"Okay, but, Jem, I'm kinda scared."

"Why? You like him right?"


"You'll be fine. Just be you. And also, have fun. That's all that matters."


"Thanks Jem. Gotta run. Love you, bye!"

"Bye! Text me later!"

I ended the call.

I got in my car and drive to the hair salon.

Once I got there, I walked in.

"Hi! What can I do to help you?"

"Um, hi! I booked a appointment so I can get the ends of my hair dyed?"

"What name is it under?"


"Sorry to ask, but, by chance are you (YT/N)?"

"Yeah, I am! What do you ask?"

"Oh, my kids love watching your videos. Also, someone named DanTDM?"

"Oh, cool! Do you want me to sign something for them?"

"If it's not a trouble. I'm sure they would die If they saw."

" Yeah! Of course I can sign something!"
I signed a piece of paper for each of them.

"Tell them I said hello!"

"Thank you so much.

"No problem."

"Anyway, back to your hair. What do you want to do?"

"I was thinking dying the ends of my hair (F/C)?"

"That sounds good."


I had to rush back home after I paired and suff.

I was meeting Dan at his house so I threw on my clothes I picked out and looked in the mirror.

Okay, I have a few minutes to spare. I guess I'll get ready to walk over.

I took a deep breath and walked out the door.



I walked next door and rang the doorbell.

Dan opened the door.

"H-hey (Y/N)! You look really pretty!"

I blushed.

"Thank you."

Dan was wearing basically the same thing as me.

Sweatshirt and jeans.

I bent down to pet Ellie, Darcie, and Peggy as the rushed over to me.

"Hwello der! How are you pups?"

Dan laughed.

"Are you ready to go?"


We got into his car and drive to the Cinema.

We went to see the kids film because really, why not?

We entered into the theater.

He put his hand in mine.

We both smiled.


"That was pretty funny!"

"I know right?"

We laughed.

We got back in the car and drove home.

When we got home, we both got out.

It started to rain.

Of course.

"Well, I had fun."

"Yeah. Maybe we can do this again?"


"Oh, and one more thing."

He wrapped his arms around me and looked into my eyes.

I looked into his and he leaned in.

And we kissed.

Hey guys! What's up? Hope you enjoyed! Tell me what you think in the comments. But for now, this is TheTealOwl, signing off.
Ps  the song I was listening to is Raging Fire.

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