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dansiphone is who I heard about this from.

So, as you guys know, Dan has not been uploading for two days on YouTube or social media. This is because Peggy , one of Dan's pugs, had to be put down. When, I heard about this, it broke my heart. I'm still sad and crying. I know how hard it is to lose a pet. You just feel like nothing matters. I know this is gonna be so hard on Dan and Jemma. But, I know that they know that she's in a better place. I wouldn't care of Dan took off from making videos for a week. One, he's an adult. Two, I he just lost his pet. He deserves some time off. If you didn't know, Peggy was adopted so, they didn't know much about her. She also had a condition (that could not be cured) where her skull was too small for her brain. But, she was on medication and stuff for a while so, she was okay. When more of TeamTDM finds out, they will be heartbroken too. But again, everyone has to remember that's she's in a better place.

Peggy, you will never be forgotten and will always be in our hearts.


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