Chapter 10

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Today was the day I left for two months!

I excited and nervous at the same time. Excited to meet so many of my fans but nervous, because you know, Im kinda on stage in front of a couple THOUSAND people.

No pressure.

I finished packing and went downstairs.


I jumped and clutched my heart.

"Jeez Dan, you almost gave me a heart attack."

"Heh, you jumped like, three feet in the air."

He wrapped his arms around me and pecked my cheek.

"Don't you have to leave soon?"

I nodded.

"We probably have to get going now."


Dan grabbed my bag as I put my shoes on and opened the the door.

The ride to the airport was quiet, but not a bad silence.

The first part of the tour was in the US since that's where a lot of my fans lived.

Justin, or Thinknoodles, and his wife

Once we got to the airport, I had to say goodbye to Dan.

I hugged him tight as I spoke.

"Danny, I'll see you in a few weeks, okay? I''ll text you when I get to New York."

"Okay, love. We''ll talk every day."

He pulled me into a quick kiss.

"Now go, and remember have fun, that's all that matters."

I smiled.

"Bye, Dan.."

"Bye, (Y/N)."

I squeezed his hand and then got in line for security.

After, I ran to the gate to catch my flight.


"Thank you for traveling with Airplane Air, have safe travels!"

After hours, I finally got off the plane texted Rachelle, Justin's wife, that I had finally arrived.

Hey Rachelle I'm finally hereeee!!

:D I see you! Justin is still looking for you cuz he's oblivious

XD imma surprise him

I slipped my phone in my pocket as I quietly walked behind  Justin as Rachelle tried not to laugh.


He jumped.

"(Y/N)!! Oh my goodness! Hi!"

They both gave me a hug.

"How was the flight?"

"Well, it was a flight. So, awful."

We laughed.

"I'm so excited to see Kopi!"

"She's excited to see you too!"

"Are you ready to go?"


We took a cab back to their apartment.

I pet Kopi for a while and chatted with Justin and Rachelle.

After some time, I was getting pretty late and in two days I had a show.

They let me use their guest bedroom.

When I got settled, I texted Dan.

Hey Dan! Got here safe. J+R say hi!

Tell them I said hi too. :)

Sorry about the time difference. It must be super early >~<

That's okay. I'll let you get some sleep. You must be tired

Eh, I'll get some sleep. Goodnight Dan <3

Goodnight love

I smiled as I clutched my phone as I fell asleep.


Dan's POV

It was quiet without (Y/N).

It was 3 am and I couldn't sleep.

I opened the night stand drawer and pulled out the small box.

"I only have to wait a few weeks to do this. I've got this.." I whispered.

I heal the small box in my hand as I fell asleep.

Hey guys! Omiiii I know Dan's pov!! hehehhehehe what will the next few chapters bring? Who knows? Well, i do. But you dont >:)

XD anyway.. question of the chapter.

What's your favorite school subject? If you have one lol
Mine's scinece.

Have a good day/night :)

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