Chapter 12

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I woke up early to the sound of my phone going off.

I groaned before dragging myself out of the hotel bed.

Today was special.

The last day of the tour and the last show.

Dan was going to be there.


I swiped my phone off the nightstand and checked my messages.

Dan: I'm here ♡ see you soon

I smiled.

He would be in the audience somewhere and I would be surprising everyone by bring him on stage.


I can't believe how much my life has changed over the last couple of years.


"We want (Y/N)! We want (Y/N)!"

I peeked out from behind the curtain as I scanned the crowd for Dan.

Even though I couldn't see him, it was was time to go on stage anyway.

I ran onto the stage and waved for the final time.

"Hey guys! (Yt/n) here! How's it going?"

We played some games like normal and brought some people up on stage.

I decided to sing "Natural" by Imagine Dragons.

(Play song)

Everyone cheered and clapped after I finished.

It was finally time to do the Q & A.

I got the regular questions like, 'why did you decide to become a youtuber' and 'what's your favorite color?'.

I answered as many as I could and then it was time to surprise the audience.

Well, some of them probably already knew Dan was in the audience but, others didn't.

"Guys, since it's the last show, I have a surprise for everyone! Now, most of you know that I haven't DanTDM or Dan, my other half, in two months! Now, of course

"Ready? 3...2..1... Dan! Come up on stage!"

Everyone broke out screaming and cheering as I laughed.

I locked eyes with Dan as he came up onto the stage smiling.

After such a long wait, it finally came time to see him again.

He stood with his arms open as I ran and gave him a bone crushing hug.

We stood like that for a couple of seconds before pulling away.

I gave him the microphone to say something.

He smiled nervously  (which i though was kind of strange) and began.

"So, (Y/N), this all started a while ago when you moved next door and I saw you trip and I came over with the pugs."

Everyone laughed as I smiled.

"We made some videos together and after a couple months, went on our first date. A few months later, we moved in together and it's been that way ever since. I don't know what the future will hold, but I know this: I'll keep on loving you more and more. I guess what I'm trying to say is.."

I gasped and covered my face as he got down onto one knee and took out a small box.

"(Y/N), will you be my player two and marry me?"

Everyone went silent waiting for my answer.

I squatted down on the floor next to him as tears rolled down my face.

Happy tears.

"Yes, Danny. Yes."

Everyone burst out screaming, saying our ship name, and I even saw some people hugging each other and jumping around.

Dan slipped the beautiful ring on my finger.

We kissed and turned to face the audience one last time.

"Guys, I guess you got two surprises tonight! Thank you all so much for coming out to the show. I hope you all had fun! That's all for now! Bye guys!"

Dan grabbed my hand and we ran off the stage.


Guys!! Hey!! Im really sorry this took so long to get out xD

I'm also addicted to the new imagine dragons song help

There'll be a few more chapters left of this before it comes to an end. I know, I know. Thank you all so sososo much for your amazing support and keep on keeping on :)

That's all for now!

Love you guys!!

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