Losing me

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"Stay", he whispered, not brave enough to look me in the eyes and meet my gaze.
He knew. He knew there was no way I could.

"I won't make you regret it, I promise."
"We both know you will", my voice was barely a whisper. "you love me for now",

And maybe you will still love me when we wake up in the morning, but I know better now.
People like you aren't capable of loving someone until the very end.

You aren't capable of fighting for anything, even if you know it'll be worth it in the end, and that's exactly why I'll regret it if I stay.
Because people like me, we are born with passion and fire and enough love to last us a lifetime.

But people like you.. you're able to love tonight, maybe tomorrow, maybe a week from now, but not forever.
It's never forever with you.

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