one: bucket list

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Keith often finds himself strangely inspired when it's late at night. Whether it's writing or just looking at some dumb idea on Pinterest, his mind runs wild with ideas. He'd find himself clutching his pillow late at night and peering over the top of the fabric to glance at his phone. It wasn't new, this had been a thing of Keith's for a while, and he knew exactly where he got it from.

No it wasn't a blood thing (or at least he hopes not. He hated his birth family. They gave him up so young, he had no desire to know them at all), and it wasn't something he'd picked up from his roommate because Pidge was too absorbed in tech for creativity.

It was a boy named Lance. He was a small time beauty vlogger who was sleeping just down the hall right now. Lance didn't know Keith's name, he had no time for anyone who wasn't Hunk or a makeup palette. Lance would never know how captivated Keith was by him. Keith would watch his videos and stalk his Instagram and aspire to be perfect like him.

But the problem was, Lance was annoying as hell. He was cocky and full of shit. He couldn't sing and he flirted with every girl on campus. There was an endless list of problems Lance had, but Keith put all those aside when he saw his digital self.

Keith aspired to be willing to wear makeup even though he was a guy. He wished he was brave enough to pose in front of a camera for an Instagram post. Online Lance and School Lance were different people, even Keith knew that. Online Lance was an idol. School Lance was a prick. Keith frowned.

"Are you thinking about Lance again." Keith snapped his attention to Pidge. Her legs were kicked up on the table and she was browsing mindlessly on the internet. She passed as a guy just so her and Keith could room together.

"He's a prick," Keith spat. Pidge laughed, short and manic.

"You love Lance."

"I love his Instagram. It's pretty, my Instagram is not. So what, I want to be at that same level of organization. Lance is a prick. Selfish prick."

"You don't even know the guy, Keith." Pidge was right. Keith didn't know the guy, but he knew the stories of the guy. The name Lance around campus was like acid on everyone's lips. And what made it even worse was that Lance could care less. He flaunted himself still like there was no tomorrow.

"Sure," was Keith's only reply.

"Go to sleep," Pidge said mindlessly. "I will take that phone out of your hand." Keith rolled over and set his phone on the window sill. He didn't even hesitate. The only thing appealing about Lance was his digital self.


Next Day

Keith sat at his lecture, tapping his pen on the desk. His anger from last night had faded. He had just changed classes and he hoped this wasn't nearly as boring as the class he traded out of.

His feet kicked the desk under him distantly. He was tired. His elbow was pressed to the cold surface of the desk to help support his head which was slouched lazily in his palm. The air conditioning made the room cold. The students chattered mindlessly around him. Keith was such an outlier. Everyone around him had at least one person talking with them, and then there was him doodling mindlessly in his journal.

The door slammed loudly with a loud chorus of calls towards whoever just walked in. Keith didn't care. Wait. Keith didn't care until he saw who it was. He watched Lance walk in and stop to talk with whoever was sitting near the door. Keith scoffed.

"Asshole." He mumbled. Keith convinced himself he didn't care. A single boy couldn't have this much control over him. Keith just wished he could pinpoint the reason why this boy made him grit his teeth.

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