six: scribbling sunsets

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Keith woke up early the next morning. Lance was holding him tight against his chest and breathing heavily, still fast asleep. For a Monday where the boys didn't sleep hardly at all, Keith felt awake as hell. It was maybe five in the morning, definitely a time Keith wouldn't normally want to wake up at. Yet strangely, he was glad he was awake. Any other day, Keith would refuse to get up until Lance did just to prolong the warmth he got from the boy.

Keith sat up, Lance's hands falling off of Keith's body. He smiled down at the boy, a warmth stirring in his stomach. Keith brushed some hair from Lance's forehead and slid off the edge of the bed. He pulled on his adidas shoes and sweatpants and grabbed his camera. The sky was awfully pretty today. Keith watched it eagerly from the window sill. He balanced on the tip of his toes excitedly and then turned and went for the door.

Lance had hardly moved, just hugged his arms close to himself. Keith didn't want to leave Lance, but they weren't in a relationship so it shouldn't affect either of them. It was just a cold night, nothing more. Keith nodded and quietly closed the door to not wake Lance. He walked slowly down the hall and stairs and reached the outdoors.

Lance loved sunsets, but did he love sunrises too? The sky was unique then too, all pink and orange and soft. Keith hoped he'd get a nice picture. He shivered under his sweater and tied his messy hair up just like Lance had done. Keith then shut his eyes. Forget Lance, just for five minutes.

So he did. He moved to the curb where the red brick abruptly ends and meets the street. He sat down right on the brick and looked up at the sunset, his fingers interlocked in front of his lips. His knees were close to his chest because of the low brick. The birds chirped noisily in the trees around him, cawing for attention like morning was the only time they could. Damn birds waking everyone up.

Keith held his camera up and pressed lightly on the capture button. The picture was bright. He adjusted some things on his camera and tried again, getting closer to what he wanted. The thing with sunrises was that you had to work fast before they went away. Keith just snapped pictures randomly and hoped a couple of them were okay. The colors left the sky until it was just dark yellow. Keith sighed and looked over the pictures he'd taken. None were super great, but none were bad either. None of them popped out, none of them caused Keith to really stop and be amazed.

Maybe that was just him.

Keith closed his eyes and rested his head on one hand. The morning was cold, but Keith didn't really mind. Last night, he was just so eager to get into bed, Lance giving him a nice surprise by asking to come with him. But now, since there was no reason to go to bed since class was soon, the cold wasn't that bad. Keith let it sink into his bones, and then let the warmth of his jacket set in right after. He smiled into the darkness behind his eyelids.

When Lance walked out, Keith was still there, watching the sky and smiling ever so slightly. Lance chuckled and went over the Keith leaning over him. "Hey Keith" he said. Keith jumped an easy ten feet in the air, his heart moving to his throat.

"Jesus! Jesus Christ in heaven above Lance you scared the fuck out of me." Lance grinned sheepishly, tilting his head. He plopped down right next to Keith who sighed. Keith just wanted a morning to himself. He wanted a morning without Lance because he had absolutely no space when Lance was there.

"So... what are you doing out here so early?" Lance asked. He wasn't looking at Keith or the sky, he was staring at the road the opposite direction of Keith. He had on a sweatshirt, jeans, boots, and tall socks to keep him warm as winter crept behind them.

"Just looking at the sky. Missed my sunset last night, so why not enjoy a sunrise." Lance laughed lightly and quietly. He crossed his arms over his knee caps and rested his chin in the folds of his sweatshirt. His breath fogged in front of his lips. Lance was very obviously still tired and... worried? His eyes dropped lazily over his sad, shimmering eyes.

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