eight: whatever you say

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Keith rolled over when Lance's alarm went off. God that blasted alarm. Literally. It was so fucking loud. Keith sighed and pulled himself off the bed, pillow in hand to chuck at Lance. Lance was facing the wall, wrists overlapping on the pillow by his nose. He looked peaceful, Keith almost didn't want to disturb him. But then he thought about the damn alarm and threw the pillow without second thought.

"Lance get up!" Keith yelled. Lance groaned tiredly. He rolled over and readjusted his body, yawning.

"I don't wanna." Keith sighed and picked up the pillow and hit Lance's side with it. Lance still didn't move. Pillows weren't the most threatening wake up call.

"Why am I the one who has to wake you up? I'm not your mom, you're a college kid now, wake your own ass up." Lance smirked. How was he so cocky in the morning? Correction: why was he so pretty in the morning? People are supposed to wake up looking ugly as shit, so why did he not? Rules didn't seem to apply to Lance. Lance is the human embodiment of "rules were made to be broken."

"Whatever Keith." Lance began to sit while Keith hurried away. Lance was such a pest. Lance woke up uncomfortably sad. This big pit hid in the back of his throat, threatening to choke him. Lance ran a hand across his neck, eyes focused on the carpet where Keith was standing.

The boys were opposite to the point where anyone who knew them would be confused as to why they "got along" so well. Keith was red; fiery and angry, everything red meant. Keith was short fused, couldn't deal with idiots. Red means war. Blood. Keith would go headfirst into a fight just because he could. Red was an emotionally intense color.

But red also meant love. Not only was Keith falling hard for Lance, but he was naturally drawn towards romance. He loved the idea of late night cuddles and shy kisses. He loved hard and fell in love quick. Anything romantic was his forte. Er, kind of. He was shit at being romantic because he'd never had much experience (obviously). But he knew he loved his friends, he loved Pidge and Shiro and Lance. Love was the sweetest thing.

It's funny how red managed to be opposite itself too. Red was anger and love. War against the flesh or war against the heart. Anger and love were opposites. It's always portrayed that you can't love someone you hate, but Keith's love for Lance was so obviously defiant of that. Siblings hated each other, but they still loved each other. The thing with something like that is sure, you love them, but do you like them? Or do you just love them out of obligation because they are your family?

Keith knew that he both loved and liked Lance. This was proof to the fact that you can love someone you hate. Within the anger, there was love. Within the hatred there was patience. All good parts of love were visible once you swept away the dead leaves. Love in Keith's case was romantic, love in Lance's was friendship.

And blue? Blue meant stability and loyalty. Trust and truth. Blue was the color of the sky and the sea. Blue was steadfast and intelligent. It produced a headstrong boy with a need to be unique. Lance was quite unique. Blue was opposite red in a relationship too. Red meant passion, desire, eroticism. Blue was intimacy, whatever that meant. Couples so tightly knit were blue. Blue and red had a fine line between them until mixed.

Opposites attract right?

That's what the boys figured. It had to be natural since here they were. "Hey, Lance? What's up?" Keith asked softly. He crouched so his face was in Lance's line of sight. Keith had the audacity to fight one moment and take care of him the next. What was up with that? He was obnoxious like that.

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