I will

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All anyone wants in life is to be happy.

All anyone wants is to have a friend.

All anyone wants is to be understood.

All anyone wants is to love and be loved.

Is that too much to ask for?

I'll be your friend.

I'll try my very best to make you happy.

I understand you.

I love you.

I hope you love me too.

I will be there for you when no one else is.

I will help you when things get foggy and you can't find a reason to be alive.

I will bring you through this thick haze and into a place clear and beautiful.

I will help you see your true potential that you may not believe is even there.

I'll be the one that sticks around until you tell me to leave.

And I will be there for you when you want me to come back.

I will be there when you need me to come back.

I will love you to no extent and I will do everything in my power to make you feel beautiful inside and out.

Because you did that for me.

Even if you didn't realize it.

You've helped me in a million ways.

So I will help you in a million more.

I love you.

And never forget that. 💜💎💕☁️

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