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The moon is calling my name

Into the deep

Dark night.

I here his voice

Echo through the


A faint whisper

In the wind.

Everywhere I look,

It's all the same.

I can't tell up from down

Left from right

Forwards and backwards.

His voice engulfs me

Like the ocean waves engulf a child.

I feel alone.

I feel lost.

I feel unprotected.




Misplaced in this




Of nothingness.

I think that's what gets me.

The nothingness.

The emptiness.

The loneliness.

The darkness.

The moons light turned off

Like someone hit the switch.

My surroundings disappeared

As if it were all

A figment of my imagination.

And then there was just nothing.

Like before

But worse.

Way worse.

And now I'm just floating.

I just let this nothingness

Engulf me.

Engulf me like the voice I heard.

Engulf me like the ocean waves engulf a child.

Engulf me like my emotions do every day.

I mean I was bound to fall someday.

And I guess today is the day.

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