Home From School

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You made your way back home from school after you gave your teacher your phone number it didn't exactly go as planned but you still slid the piece of paper into his pocket. Silently laughing about it to yourself you just thought it was quite bad ass. Walking into your house your parents welcomes you home "How was your first day at school " your mom was interested in knowing replying to her softly "oh it was fine I just gave my teacher my phone number I slept in class accidentally and Me and Julia have three classes together" you smiled at your mom as you went to walk up stairs "Wait what did you just say" mom looked shocked for a second her eyes widened and her brown eyes dilated for a minute "I said I accidentally slept in class and Julia and I have three classes together" you didn't want to repeat yourself but mom kind of made you "Im pretty sure I just heard you say that you gave your teacher your number" you thought she didn't hear it but you made up an excuse right on the spot "Yes I gave my teacher my phone number" mom's arms were crossed with a stern face on "Well which teacher Man or Woman?" She was questioning hard with that face she was making "A man" responding confidently to her "You know you could get into trouble" you just stared at your mom for a minute while you were thinking of an excuse and bingo you got it "Well I gave him my number because all the students Will need to get a hold of him for assignments that are over the phone mark will give us instructions for certain projects and stuff like that" your pretty sure you got yourself out of a messy argument with mom "Well okay if it's nuts for assignments that's it just don't do anything bad or inappropriate okay I'll trust you" you weren't expecting your mom to buy it but it worked. As you finally got upstairs to your room the phone started ringing you walked over to your desk and picked up the phone "Hello" it was Julia she responded "Girl I'm sorry I left you I had to get home quickly after class" you felt relieved "oh okay that's good" You wondered why she left me hanging. You plopped onto your bed staring at the ceiling

Julia: So did you talk to Mr.Wahlberg
You: Yes I did
Julia : What did you say
You: not much I just gave him my phone number
Julia : YOU WHAT?
You: yeah I have him my number but he didn't take it at first
Julia : you gotta be kidding me girl
You: nope not at all it happened but I slipped it into his pocket after he confronted me about it
Julia: Well has he messaged you yet
You: Nope not yet
Julia :So what are you going to do now
You : I don't know just wait and see but anyways I gotta go I'll talk to you tomorrow at at school okay
Julia : Bye
You: Bye
___Hangs Up Phone___

Well just laying in your bed dreaming how hot Your teacher was you eventually Dwelled into a deep sleep not knowing how long it was going to happen.

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