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He left to pairs on that special Mission we faced time each other every night and talk about our day how it went. months and months past then one day "Olympia in my office now!!!!" "you wanted to see me Ms O?" "there you are meet Ojay your new partner!" "WHAT!?!?!?" "Ms O isn't Otis my partner?!?!?!" "yea but we don't know when the mission gonna end im sorry Olympia Otis might not come back!" I hold my tears "Yes Ms O " "oh and something Odd has happened go to delivery Debbie" "well what are you waiting for Goooo" me and my new partner go to delivery Debbie pizza place "oh Odd squad im so glad your here I've been trying to deliver pizza but I can't move im stuck please fix this odd squad!" "I've got this!" Ojay said "who is he what happend to your old partner?" "he is on a mission" "oh ok but hurry I need to deliver this pizza!" "no problem Debbie!" Ojay  zaps her feet "oh thanks Odd squad" "no problem madam im so happy to help you lets go" at night I face time Otis" "hey Otis!" "hey how was your day?" " terrible I have new partner now!!! His name is Ojay and he acted all weird after we zapped delivery Debbie feet he was all like no problem madam and all that like....." "Wow I got a new partner too her name is Oliva she's helping me with the case" "that's cool when is this cases gonna be over its been almost a year and we haven't seen each other and its almost my Birthday and I was hoping that you could make it to my party!" "i will try my best partner!" "well im going to bed im tired I solved like 10 cases today lots of people have been calling Odd squad since you left its been busy since you left!!" "wow I guess im important!" he laughs a bit I laugh back "yea!" I take off my glasses "well good night partner!" I yawn "good night" he smiles at me.....

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