the confrontation

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They wanted to stay like this but they had to break the kiss Olympia smiles *suddenly* "Otis what are you doing?!?!" Ms O said a bit angry "um sorry Ms O" Otis said "and what is Olympia doing here?" "uh um I have odd problem I can't making odd noise when I um tap my feet" she taps her feet and makes odd noise "you better get checked" "don't worry Ms O" Oliva runs up to them "Ms O Olympia is lying she does not have an odd problem!!!!!!" "is this true Olympia?!" Ms O said a bit angry "uh um" Ms O frowned "I need you to leave your not an agent anymore"
"I don't get what did i do wrong?!?!" "what do u mean?" Ms O said confused "was I a bad agent what is it????" " honestly I don't know I just got a call from the big O saying that you're fired " "sorry Olympia you were just not a good Agent the  Big O probably thought you were useless" "Oliva shut it!!!" Ms O said Angry " what I'm only saying the truth you're just not fit to be in Odd Squad you belong in the lower class washing bathrooms clean people's messes now that's what you're good at" Olympia hold her tears Ms O screamed " just because you're the big O's cousin doesn't mean you have the right to insult Olympia here I will not stand this Behavior you understand!!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone gasped "  yours the big O cousin??????" Oouna said surprisingly "yes yes" " then you might be the reason Olympia got fired!!!" "me I would never!!!!!!!!" " how could you think that of me my dear Otis" Oliva runs crying

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