please don't leave me

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"Otis wait!" Oliva said running Otis ran to the pillow room he lays down and cries a bit "Otis!" she said catching her breath "why cry over a girl who doesn't love you anymore!" "how do you know that?!?!??!" he said screaming "she clearly doesn't want to see you anymore!" "leave me alone!!!" "but Otis" "leave !" "fine but I don't like seeing you like this!" Otis stays there for the rest of the day the next day he has the courage to talk to her he buys a baquent of roses he wears a tuxedo he starts heading out of odd squad "otis!" he turns around "are those flowers for me?!" she grabs them gives him a hug and leaves "Oliva wait!!!!" "now what" he has spend all his allowance on those flowers Oliva heads to Olympia house she knocks Olympia opens the door "what do you want Oliva?!?!?" "look what Otis gave me" *shows off the banquet of roses* "he dressed in a tuxedo and told me sweet things he said he loved me and that his over you and I promise you I'm not lying to you!" Olympia tries not to cry Oliva heads off minutes later Otis knocks on the door she opens angrily "what do you....." Otis nervously said "Olympia I know you don't....." she grabs his flowers and throws it on his face "how could you?!?!?" she starts to cry and slams the door "please don't leave me!....." Otis said...

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