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I saw Olympia "Olympia!" "Otis!" she said happily "hi Oliva" Oliva rolls her eyes "hi!" "so hows odd squad doing?" "odd squad doing very good without u!" "Oliva!" I said kinda angry
"What im only saying the truth now if u excuse us we need to eat bye" Olympia leaves kinda sad "Oliva why did u tell her those things?!?" "im only saying the truth please lets just eat in peace!" *later in odd squad* "Otis Oliva in my office now!!!!!!!" we head up "there you are Todd is back!" "whose. Odd Todd?" Oliva said "he used to be an odd squad agent" "what happened to him?" "he turned to a villain he used to solve lots of cases very fast" "anyway he stoled one of Oscar's key gadget that transforms into any key including odd squad key too!" "what?" I sounded kinda shocked "he left a clue 2_=5 my puzzle solvers can't figure it out" "solved it" Oliva said Smiling "well what is it" Ms O said unpacient "look 2 blank equals 5 it can't be multiplication or subtraction or division its addition 2+3=5 so he is at 5 oak street park"" well what are u waiting for go!!!" we hurry to the park and we see Todd "how did u find me!!!" "your clue was so easy Todd your clues are lame like please it took me like a second to solve it" "so you think your smarter than me huh" "villains would make fun of you  if they found out that u lost so give me the gadget and no villain will find out your failure" Todd just stands there he throws the gadejet "take it take it!" he leaves running "Wow Oliva that was...." I was speechless *back at odd squad* I told her what happened "wow good job Oliva" she smiled "oh and the valentine ball is coming"  up" "ball?" Oliva said excited ''each year we have a valentine ball and we crown 2 agents Valentine king and Queen agents vote on who they want as king and queen" "sounds awesome!" "now go back to work" "so otis" Oliva said as we head to our desk "are u going to the ball?" "I don't know" "come on it will be fun ill go with u" "ok" *thinking in her head* "im gonna dress in the finest clothes and when he sees me his gonna fall for me and  ill  make him forget about Olympia i just know it" To be Continued....

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