Different<Lance x reader>part3

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Wc weapon choice
Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield

Yn was training as per usual; with Fn. Lance shifted from side to side, his wounds were healed, yet he still gets sharp pains in his stomach. Yn looked over with worry, but Lance waved her off. He stood, walking back to the Med bay.
He wasn't quite prepared to see Hagger standing in the door way, her face hidden by her white hair. Lance growled and walked passed her, activating the door.
"I don't think so, Paladin.." she sneered and suddenly slammed her hand against the wall, the door locked. Lance was cut off. He could go back to the Training room, but risk Yn and Fn getting hurt. He shook his head, and stepped back.
"What, witch?" He growled, going for his Bayard.
"Zarkon wants you." She said, and walked off down the hall. Lance stiffened.
Why did he want to see Lance?

Yn sprinted from the Training room, her eyes wide as she realised she had to get to Lance before He did. Fn was behind her as she quickly grabbed her Wc.
"Little witch!" She yelled as she walked away from the door.
"Where is he?" Fn asked.
"Zarkon got him, damn it!" Yn snarled and ran forward to the Emperor's chamber. It was down the hall to the left, followed by a series of dark torches.
Yn shivered as a bhrt of cold wind rushed past her. She whispered small threats as she ran and practically drop kicked as the door, a loud thud of her feet colliding with the metal made Fn jump.
The small thud after was Yn body hurting the floor. She growled and stood, hitting the door with her hands.
Fn gasped and looked up, seeing Hagger.
The witch dropped from the ceiling, striking Fn to the floor.
Pointing her Wc at the old hag, Yn snarled again.
"Let her go! And let Lance..." She trailed off as she saw his body.
"Go, I've got her!" Fn kicked Hagger's legs as a result she fell. Fn used her head and smashed against the witch's. Yn smiled and ran for the small body ahead of her.
But before she could, four yellow beams shot her legs. She held back a scream as the shots burned. She whispered small nothings to Lance who was quivering beneath her.
She saw something red and something black and Green and yellow? She was dazed and confused as she laied Lance's head on her lap. Blood trickled down his nose as he struggled to breath. Yn smiled down at him, pushing his brown hair back and she gazed in his bright blue eyes.
"You know, the more time I spent with you, the more I realised that..i fell in love with you" he choked as tears streamed down his face. Yn laied her own head down on his chest, her heart hammering in her ribs.
"I love you too, Blue...." whispered as she lost the battle. Sorrowful tears spilled down her cheeks as the black Paladin ripped her away from her blue warrior.
"I'll find you...i promise..even though you're differ, you're my world and my soul. I'll come back and when I do, I'll find you, Yn Ln my little blue lion....."

That is the end of 'different' do you guys want a part 4? Leave your requests down below. I'm sorry if I ripped your heart to pieces and shattered your soul...forgive me ?.💙💙💙

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